Use a quantum hammer to smash atomic nuclei into their component particals then reform into useful resources.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
0.1.0 Initial release. 0.1.1 Added Discharge Pump recipes and filter for Purified Water and Nutrient Rich Water. 0.1.2 Fixed some broken technology prerequisites. 0.1.3 Attempting some balance by increasing yields of sublimation processes. Reduced cost of landfill while in �Seablock� Mode. 0.1.4 Changed Hyroponics Dome, Aquaculture Done and Composter recipes from stone to stone bricks. Added a second teir to Sublimation and Condenser machines. Removed Advanced Ferric Gas, Cyprium Gas and Lithic Gas recipes. Changed Improved Sublimation technology results with Tier 2 machines. Reodered Recipes and Items. 0.2.0 Changed Map Generation for Nauvis. Added Quality to Sublimation amd Condenser Machines. Added Condenser Catalyst and changed Ferric Gas, Cyprium Gas and Lithic Gas recipes. Added recipe to condense Coal form Blened gas and Sulfur fron Sulfuric Acid. 0.3.0 ****THIS UPDATE WILL BRAKE VULCANUS IT ALREADY VISITED!!!**** and maybe brake Nauvis... Adjusted Map Generation for Nauvis. Changed Map Generation for Vulcanus, resourse no longer spawn.(and the cliffs are back!) Added Tungsten and Calcire Sublimation and Condensing Processes. Changed Map Generation for Gleba, stone and stromatolites no longer spawn. No new precesses. Fixed some broken technology prerequisites.