Steam Trains deprecated

Steam Trains adds Fireless Steam Locomoties that are fueled by liquid steam instead of solid burnable fuels. Pipe in steam from burners or a nuclear reactor to power this locomotive.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
4 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.0 (4 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.17 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
7.68K users

Steam Trains

Steam Trains is a Factorio mod adding Fireless Steam Accumulator Locomotives that are powered by steam instead of solid burnable fuel items.

Make sure to always place your locomotives next to a steam pump as otherwise they will not be able to move under their own power!

This mod adds a Steam Locomotive powered by steam. Each locomotive can hold up to 20k units of steam.

The performance of the locomotive depends on the temperature of the steam:

steam temperature name energy (full locomotive) acceleration max speed
165°C - 315°C steam 600 MJ 120% 105%
315°C - 500°C mixed steam 1.2 GJ 140% 105%
500°C - 1000°C superheated steam 1.94 GJ 150% 110%

At the moment the temperature ranges are very strict. When the locomotive is refueled the temperatures are calculated by mixing the currently existing steam inside the locomotive and the fresh steam using vanilla factorio temperature mixing logic. This means that if a locomotive had colder steam in them at one point, adding 500°C steam repeatedly may never lead to the locomotive actually reaching 500°C exactly. Therefore the locomotive may always be running on 499°C mixed steam. Removing all steam inside the locomotive using a pump and then fueling it up completely - or removing and replacing the locomotive - can solve this. It is planned that the temperature limits get relaxed a bit in the future to solve this "issue".

Using Steam Barrels

With Barrels of Steam installed, steam locomotives can also be fueld with steam barrels. Barrels are a very inefficient way to fuel the locomotives, as they hold little energy. But they can still be useful to - for instance - move a locomotive to a fueling station after it ran out of fuel on the way. While using barrels the locomotive will not get an acceleration of speed bonus. The locomotive can hold 1 stack of barrels and returns empty barrels after consumption. The range of the locomotive depends on the type of barrel used:

barrel type temperature energy per barrel energy (full locomotive*)
Steam barrel 165°C 1.5 MJ 16.5 MJ
Superheated steam barrel 500°C 4.85 MJ 53.35 MJ

*full locomotive assumes the maximum possible energy with a full stack of barrels loaded and barrel already under consumption (i.e. 11 barrels with default barrel stack sizes)