Split coop

Creates 2 friendly teams and splits the map into two sides. Sides are connected by small lines wide enough for 1 rail track. There is no uranium on the left side and no crude-oil on the right and both teams have some recipes disabled to enforce cooperation.

2 years ago

g Train Owners

2 years ago

Good mod. A couple of notes / questions:

  1. Trains: We played with this a bit and found that trains become only visible to Team 1 (Left side) and same with stations. We had connected the rails, not sure if that effected it.

  2. New players joined on the team with the fewest players, regardless of how many were online. I haven't looked at your code, but it is probably choosing based on team members and not filtering out offline when choosing. Perhaps that's intentional. Also, you might want to include the console command to move a player to another team so the host doesn't have to look it up.

Move player X to team Y:
(/c game.players['X'].force = game.forces['Y'])


2 years ago

Hi, thank you for the feedback :).

1) Trains are intentionally owned only by 1 force, it is ugly hack to make LTN work "with multiple forces" :(. If it is a big trouble I could add option to disable it.
2) Force of new player is currently chosen by player_index modulo 2, basically it swaps forces every time new player joins. I should probabably add some better system to allocate forces, maybe even gui to choose and change them.

2 years ago
  1. I would appreciate the ability to have trains & stations owned by the team that created them. The other team could not see the trains they put down, nor assign stations. Another option might be to make trains & stations 'neutral', but I don't know if that would work.

  2. A UI would be great. I used console commands to move people over so the teams were balanced. We had a few people left team #2 and at least one of the new people went on team #1.

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