Spidertron Tiers

by Zangeti

Adds 13 new unique Spidertrons! Wether high firepower, early game, speed, inventory size or fog war reveal, there is something for everyone.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i More leg stretch? More speed?

3 years ago

Extra leg stretch isn't really noticable, even on the Mk3 God spider. Maybe it's about 150%, like 5 extra tiles? I expected... a bit more. Like 400% or something.

Is speed not moddable? Because they are all slow if you don't fill them with legs.

Other than that it's a pretty cool mod.

3 years ago

I can configure more leg stretch, however, the greater it is, the more dodgy normal walking looks, so its a trade-off.
I'll look into where you can mod base speed.
Thanks for the feedback :)

3 years ago

Looked at speed and sadly did not find a simple number to increase; I might try cheating the system with some control.lua code, but I'm not sure how I could implement that...
I also took another look at increased leg stretch, but decided it was currently at the max it could be without looking rubbish.
As of now, if you want to see the massive leg stretch for yourself, do the following.

  1. Navigate to the Factorio local game files.
  2. The folder named "data" and then the folder the name of which includes "spidertron tiers". In that folder, open another named "prototypes" and then "spidertron_mk3"
  3. Open entity.lua
  4. navigate to (currently) line 251, and change a setting named "movement_based_position_selection_distance" to 80 (remember what the number originally was)
  5. restart Factorio
  6. Start a new "Freeplay" game & type /cheat into the console twice
  7. Open your inventory, and place down a Spidertron Mk3
  8. Get in it, and start moving

To play normally again, either put the changed setting back to what it was, or simply reinstall the mod
Have fun

3 years ago

In update 0.1.4 the spiders were gine different speeds, such that they would always run a bit faster than any tier below it. However, unfortunately due to once again a tradeoff between fast walking and bad looking walking, I could not make Mk3 super speed...

3 years ago

I haven't looked at how you've changed the speed, but it should be easy to do in the next Factorio release: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=87932. Maybe that will have the same result as how you've done it anyway.

3 years ago

Thanks Xori, good info :)

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

For speed of spidertrons, maybe you could reuse some code from https://github.com/psznm/DoubleSpeedSpidertron/blob/master/script/spidertron.lua

While the code was written more for use in GTTS mod, it should be somewhat easily adjustable for needs of this mod.

I could even collaborate on your mod and do it for you, if you'd like.

2 years ago

That would be great! Thanks so much for getting in touch!

Due to ongoing Uni applications & IB exams, I'm afraid my time is incredibly limited, but if you would be willing to give this integration a shot yourself, I'd love to make it a part of the official mod (with proper accreditation of course).

Get in touch with me via my discord server @ https://discord.gg/kC53xn2 & let me know if you are still interested! That way we can keep in touch more easily.

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