Spidertron Orbit Stop
Detect when a spidertron is stuck orbiting around a waypoint and set it free again.
What is orbiting?
Spidertrons (or other vehicles based on them) can sometimes be a bit off course when traveling towards their path waypoints. This error in addition to some decent velocity can cause your spidertron to overshoot the waypoint and start running around it in circles, never actually reaching the waypoint and going on with the path. This behaviour of circling around a waypoint is called waypoint orbiting.
What does this mod do?
Spidertron Orbit Stop tries to detect spidertrons (and vehicles based on spidertrons) that are currently stuck orbiting around a waypoint. If such a spidertron is found their current waypoint will be marked as reached and they can continue on with their journey with out having to wait on you to realize that they've been stuck for 2 hours already.