Spidertron Extended

Adds Spidertron MK2, Spidertron MK3, the Immolator, the Ghost Weaver and Major Spidertron, more powerful upgraded versions of Spidertron that can be crafted from the original, with enhanced firing capabilities, larger inventory size, equipment grid, radar coverage, mobility and much more.

20 days ago
1.0 - 2.0
This mod 3 From other mods 40
Dependency types:
Default 16 Required 14 Conflict 0 Optional 15 Hidden 11
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 16.1K
Cractorio_pack_optional 1.91K
megastart >= 0.3.15 265
StephsMegaStart >= 0.3.16 127
BeSeFe 84
RFP_spidertron-extended_forced_fuel 35
SpidertronWeaponSwitcher 5.61K
5dim-cats >= 0.3.9 3.23K
K2-equipment-compatibility 1.22K
Vanilla-plus-modpack 1.03K
SpidertronWeaponSwitcherMod 907
RoebuckAdvancedStart >= 0.3.9 639
Hiroshima-Scenario 504
fuel-category-compatibility 377
AivanF 60
spiderboom 58
zacs-tweaks >= 0.3.6 39
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v0.4.0)