Spidertron Extended

Adds Spidertron MK2, Spidertron MK3, the Immolator and the Ghost Weaver, more powerful upgraded versions of Spidertron that can be crafted from the original, with enhanced firing capabilities, larger inventory size, equipment grid, radar coverage, mobility and much more.

1 year, 5 days ago
1.0 - 1.1


Version: 0.3.16
Date: 2024.01.18
    - This is a compatibility patch with Exotic Industries made by Cornbread (thank you for patch), more information is available in the pull request at https://github.com/stefanaonx/spidertron-extended/pull/20.
Version: 0.3.15
Date: 2022.09.18
    - Fully removed compatibility with Industrial Revolution 2. I'm sorry but people keep blaming spidertron extended for not working properly or at all with Industrial Revolution so I decided to take the easier path and remove compatibility than to argue with people.
    - Reversed changelog as per request.
Version: 0.3.14
Date: 2022.03.16
    - Added compatibility with Industrial Revolution 2.
    - Notice that the laser for the repair beam on the ghost weaver looks slightly glitchy when using industrial revolution, going to bother Resar to make new animations for it.
Version: 0.3.13
Date: 2022.03.16
    - Modified to be only 1 rocket launcher type for mk2 and mk3 which helps resolve the clutter when using aai-programmable vehicles.
    - Fixed an issue where the aai-programmable ghost weaver does not have ammo.
    - Fixed a small locale issue for the rocket launcher for mk2 and mk3.
Version: 0.3.12
Date: 2022.02.01
    - Adjustable grid size, hp, inventory for vanilla spidertron in mod settings even when using k2 with space exploration. Added by: pavlukivan
Version: 0.3.11
Date: 2022.01.09
    - Added some of the code from pdunham113 version for Space Exploration compatibility. Added by: GeneralTank
Version: 0.3.10
Date: 2022.01.04
    - Fixed a Krastorio2 compatibility issue since k2 (1.2.10) and k2assets (1.1.0) are splited now.
Version: 0.3.9
Date: 2021.05.24
    - Made a fix for compatibility with krastorio2 when there are no k2 containers.
    - Small fix for Rampant Arsenal compatibility.
Version: 0.3.8
Date: 2021.03.27
    - Ghost Weaver will now have batteries / ammo on placement instead of needing to craft them from now on.
    - Added compatibility with bob's warfare mod.
Version: 0.3.7
Date: 2021.02.24
    - Added a check to see if spidertrons are using base colors, yes, you can colour them now (thank you Xorimuth for the hint).
Version: 0.3.6
Date: 2020.11.25
    - Modified to use the new version of factorio 1.1.
    - Commented some nil values that were affecting compatibility with factorio 1.1.
Version: 0.3.5
Date: 2020.10.4
    - Changed the flamethrower turret texture overlay for the Immolator to better reflect its color palette.
    - Fix for disabling the mk2 spidertron with krastorio.
    - Added the immolator active skill to fire in a wave pattern originating from the vehicle and going outside.
    - Removed unused code in the control.lua file.
    - Added cooldown to the immolator active skill.
Version: 0.3.4
Date: 2020.10.4
    - Added purifier flames to the immolator.
    - Fixed an issue where the ghost weaver repair beam would affect the repair turret mod, it seems we were both using the same naming /shrug.
Version: 0.3.3
Date: 2020.10.1
    - Several fixes and completions for immolator.
Version: 0.3.2
Date: 2020.09.29
    - Trying to fix a traceback when the global.immolator table is nil.
    - Set the immolator to be disabled by default. Won't affect the ppl that already have it on i believe. Reminder that this is just an experimental spider that we were working on.
Version: 0.3.1
Date: 2020.09.23
    - Fixed the textures not scaling properly on lower resolution.
    - Tried increasing the leg smoke slightly, not sure if it worked or not.
    - Added prototypes for a new spidertron, you can enable it, BUT be warned this one is a mayhem for both enemies and allies alike also it has a passive and active skill alt+D for active, going to make the player select the bindings for it at some point.
    - Added setting to disable bobsvehicleequipment on vanilla spidertron.
    - Added setting to enable bobsequipment + bobsvehicleequipment on spidertrons.
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 2020.09.20
    - Added proper layering for the eye color changing.
    - Fixed a bug where there weren't any dust when moving the legs.
    - Some refactoring for the compatibility files.
    - Some fixes with dealt with it mod not really working properly when settings vanilla spidertron sizes.
    - Tried to make the code more MP safe as suggested by billbo99.
    - Added configurable health and inventory size for MK2, MK3 and ghost weaver, change-able from the mod settings.
    - Added Healing-ray for the Ghost Weaver with mod setting to change heal value.
    - Added Reaping-ray to the Ghost Weaver, with mod setting to disable it.
    - Ghost Weaver got a new turret on his head, sorry about the laser offset, got no idea how to move it around with the head movement.
Version: 0.2.4
Date: 2020.09.08
    - Added compatibility with deal-with-it mod.
    - Added a small change for krastorio2 settings compatibility.
Version: 0.2.3
Date: 2020.08.26
    - Added compatibility with Krastorio2_Spiderleg mod.
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 2020.08.24
    - Fixed a crash occurring when using the spidertron-builder with a remote targeted to it in the inventory, to fix this issue an un-usable weapon has been added to it (we might further work on this to add functionality later on)
    - Modified the minimap icon for spidertron-buider.
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 2020.08.24
    - Fixed a crash occurring when using the spidertron-builder with bobs vehicles equipment(thanks for the heads up aerospacesmith).
    - Added mod setting to disable bobs vehicle equipment on spidertron-extended spidertrons.
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2020.08.23
    - Added spidertron-builder, a new spidertron focused on building without combat abilities, it can be disabled from the mod settings so it doesn't interrupt current gameplays.
    - Added options to disable MK2 and MK3 spidertrons.
    - Please note that disabling Spidertron and playing on a save that already has them will remove them from the game without refunding the material cost.
    - Small refactoring.
    - Still working on customizable MK4 (wanted to add it to 0.2 but there's a lot of things I still need to modify).
    - Changed the changelog to show the changelog (sorry, i tried making a tongue twister)
Version: 0.1.12
Date: 2020.08.23
    - Added compatibility with vintage-spidertron, that's one cool mod :D .
Version: 0.1.11
Date: 2020.08.23
    - Added compatibility for bobvehicleequipment, should be the same as normal spidertron, i might require more feedback on this.
Version: 0.1.10
Date: 2020.08.23
    - Added mod setting to disable Spidertron MK3 self-repair feature (that doesn't crash the game hopefully).
Version: 0.1.9
Date: 2020.08.21
    - Fixed the non-recoverable error, Did some slight changes to the regen script before the revert, should still use less UPS. 
    - The MK3 will need to be picked up and placed back down to gain the health regen if using loading from older version <=0.1.5.
Version: 0.1.8
Date: 2020.08.21
    - Reverting back to old code for health-regen until I figure out the non-recoverable error.
Version: 0.1.7 
Date: 2020.08.21
    - Added mod setting to disable burner requirement for all spidertrons if using krastorio2.
    - Added an UPS improvement for the spidertronmk3 health regen script ( from Xorimuth via GitHub, thank you).
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 2020.08.20
    - Added health regen to SpidertronMK3.
    - Added mod settings to change grid size.
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 2020.08.20
    - Added a mod setting to use vanilla spidertron sizes for all.
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 2020.08.19
    - Some refactoring. 
    - Fixed a bug where the craft timer was at 0.5 seconds instead of 10 (bug noticed by hankthesnake).
    - New thumbnail.
    - Added Krastorio2 compatibility. 
    - Added flavor text to research.
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 2020.08.17
    - Increased size for the mk2 and mk3 respectively.
    - Added different icons on the minimap for each version.
    - Slightly increased stride distance.
    - Further reduced the materials required for mk2 and mk3.
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 2020.08.16
    - Changed the base color on placement.
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2020.08.16
    - Added increased rocket launchers range for mk2 and mk3, slightly reduced the recipe materials.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2020.08.15
    - Initial Release.