Space Age Galore

Adds over 180 unique and balanced alternate recipes to SPACE AGE!

3 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Fluids Manufacturing

i [THANKS!] Spotlight

2 days ago

Hello again!
Your mod inspiried me to start making videoes about mods for Factorio to spread the knowledge a little, and I made one about your two Galore mods. I hope you enjoy!

If there is ever any major changes or the likes, let me know so I can make an updated version :)

[deleted message]
2 days ago

Wow thank you!! I left a comment on your vid, and you've gained a subscriber :D

If there is ever any major changes or the likes, let me know so I can make an updated version :)

I will. Though I don't want to ask too much - just keep an eye out for future Galore mods :)

(I'll also silently move the circuit splitting splitter recipe to the convoluted section. You saw nothing... - If you spot any other entries that don't quite make sense, let me know! I think that one slipped through just because it fit the UI so well XD)

2 days ago

You are so welcome, my pleasure! Thank you so much! Means a lot to me.

Eh, I need something to kill time with, bring it on!

(I have no idea what that means D: I'm not so versed in programming or creating mods :D)

2 days ago

(I have no idea what that means D: I'm not so versed in programming or creating mods :D)
Oh with "moving it to the convoluted section" I meant that the user can now only see/select the recipe when the "Enable convoluted recipes" setting is enabled; (defaults to OFF). I was saying that if you have any other recipe(s) that may seem out of place/nonsensical - like the one that splits a processing unit in 6 - please let me know! While I do take great care in designing recipes, some odd ones do sometimes get through.

I probably should've clarified a bit, my bad (‘’❛ ؂ - „)ᕗ

2 days ago
(updated 2 days ago)

I had no idea that option existed. I probably should've added that in my video. lol - that'll teach me to do some proper research :D

EDIT: How do I enable this? :O I FOUND OUT. "That'll teach me to do some proper research" -Buttpie, just a minute ago.

Double EDIT: The centrifugal "infinite" resources research doesn't do anything currently, is that intentional?

a day ago
(updated a day ago)

The centrifugal "infinite" resources research doesn't do anything currently, is that intentional?

While it's intensional that the recipes those technologies hold get hidden when Space Age is installed, it is indeed a bug that you can still see those techs. Will be fixed in the next update.

Oh and the prophesied "quantum processor -> 200 splitters" will also be added in that update :D Do keep in mind that I grouped it as "silly", meaning it defaults to hidden and will only be available when the"Enable silly recipes" setting is checked.

Thanks for the bug report, (btw I'll shortly update the modpages to include a link to the showcase, thanks again for that!!) :D

a day ago

Ooooh. I had no idea it was for vanilla. Rofl. I love it! I have all the recipes enabled now.
No problem! Thanks a lot! Means a lot starting up :D I wish I had found your mods earlier, which is why I make these videos. It's hard to find new mods sometimes and what they do.

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