Space Age Galore

Adds over 180 unique and balanced alternate recipes to SPACE AGE!

3 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Fluids Manufacturing

i [ASSESSED] Various Space Age Ideas

6 days ago

In my Vanilla Galore ideas post i mentioned wanting machines to have a science endpoint, so giving some of the space sciences alternatives that use the unique buildings of that planet as resources sounds fun. Foundry + Tungsten plates = metallurgic science; EM plant + holmium solution + supercapacitor = EM science; biochamber + bioflux = agricultural science; cryo plant + cold coolant = cryo science + hot coolant (could have a neutral loop for the coolant here)
I found it really cute that unmodded space age has some synergy between machines and resources from different planets. Mainly that forges can output the holmium plates. Since tungsten carbide is an assembler only recipe, it should get a biochamber or EM plant alternative! Might be aesthetic to have a cycle: vulcanus machine helps fulgora resource, fulgora machine helps gleba resource, gleba machine helps vulcanus resource. I wouldn't mind getting to use the EM plant flowthrough nodes more often. Gleba not having a resource that isn't boosted by a gleba machine is a break from the vulcanus and fulgora pattern sadly. Perhaps you could make an EM plant peel the yumako and jellynuts, via adding some water, mostly focused on the spinnyness rather than anything actually electromagnetic there.
A funny recipe would be centrifuging pentapod eggs into nutrients, might be a bit mean though. The centrifuge seems underutilized, space age hasn't added anything to them.
Crushers being usable on planets seems a bit too cheaty, considering you can just turn stone into calcite anywhere, it might make sense that stone on vulcanus has calcite in it since you get it from lava + calcite. Maybe you could add environmental requirements for some of the crusher recipes. Make it so you can't process asteroids on planets, too. I suggest combining these last two issues into giving the coal and stone crushing recipes to the centrifuge instead! The scrap crushing could be scrap pulverization instead and take stone with the scrap to grind it all down to ores.
The Cryogenic Plant has 3 fluid inputs but barely anything uses it, looking at the fusion power cell all the ingredients originate from fluids, so perhaps you could skip the intermediate processing for a quicker more wasteful fluids only recipe, maybe add an iron plate to justify an item output. Holmium solution + Ammonia + Lithium Brine + Iron plate = Fusion power cell
Sorry if this is rambly, the text input field is small and i wrote this over a few hours. The tech nodes should use the icons of the recipes they unlock, the galore tech node background is too intrusive, in my opinion.

5 days ago

Alternate science recipes that use the planet-specific buildings do sound pretty fitting. I haven't added too much SA alternate sciences yet because science pack recipes are pretty hard to balance, and I really do not want to change them after they get implemented, as they have quite a large impact on someone's factory. Gonna implement your suggestion though, I like them :) (Although I will change them a bit here and there.)

I found it really cute that unmodded space age has some synergy between machines and resources from different planets.

Same, I've been thinking of maybe adding a carbon fiber recipe for the EM plant or a tungsten carbide recipe for the Cryo plant. I will take your recipe suggestions into consideration as well. I will make the biochamber more of a thing for other planets as well, all possible because of the Ammonia chain and the Ammonia + Sulfur = nutrients recipe :)

A funny recipe would be centrifuging pentapod eggs into nutrients, might be a bit mean though. The centrifuge seems underutilized, space age hasn't added anything to them.

I did try adding some recipes for it (yumako mash -> light oil), but because of the out-of-the-way location of the centrifuge on the tech tree, the high cost of the machine, and, of course, the unmatching machine colors, I've reverted this. In VGAL, however, there is an option to add some recipes to it that revolve around getting ores from water and coal from oil. (Although these all get hidden in SAGAL.)
Adding a Pentapod eggs -> nutrients recipe would probably also make it a bit too hard to prevent a positive egg/nutrients loop.

Crushers being usable on planets seems a bit too cheaty, considering you can just turn stone into calcite anywhere

I think it's still balanced because of it being a ~47 stone to 1 calcite ratio. I do, however, see the problem of being able to do asteroid stuff on planet surfaces. I'll add a setting that prevents this. (Making it a setting, as I do like the idea of sending asteroids down to a planet surface for further reprocessing. This will also tie in nicely with some of my future ideas regarding alternate asteroid processing.)

The Cryogenic Plant has 3 fluid inputs but barely anything uses it, looking at the fusion power cell all the ingredients originate from fluids, so perhaps you could skip the intermediate processing for a quicker more wasteful fluids only recipe, maybe add an iron plate to justify an item output.

More recipes for the Cryo plant are surely planned. It will become way more important in an upcoming update targeted towards space platforms. (Also, I'll consider your recipe. It looks nice, but I generally dislike adding simpler alternate recipes.)

The tech nodes should use the icons of the recipes they unlock, the galore tech node background is too intrusive, in my opinion.

I'll change them in the next update. (Thanks to Andreus for the new graphics!)

Sorry if this is rambly, the text input field is small and i wrote this over a few hours

Don't worry, thanks for your suggestions/feedback! (´∀`)b

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