Space Age Galore

Adds over 180 unique and balanced alternate recipes to SPACE AGE!

3 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Fluids Manufacturing

g [ASSESSED] The recycling issue

23 days ago

Are there any plains in the works to get the new recipes to work with Recyclers? Perhaps via circuit logic?

22 days ago

I'm sorry to say that I currently do not have any such plans. Factorio does not store what recipe has been used to craft an item, making it impossible for the recyclers to know what recipe to uncraft if more are available. (Currently, the recycler isn't aware of any alternate recipes.) At the moment the best workaround I came up with is making it so you need to choose what recipe to uncraft, but I'm not very happy with this. (Btw if I ever change the recycling I would make it optional in order to not break any existing saves.)

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