Space Age Galore

Adds over 180 unique and balanced alternate recipes to SPACE AGE!

3 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Fluids Manufacturing

b [FIXED] Crash on Startup

a month ago

Failed to load mods: space_age_galore/prototypes/vgal-overrides.lua:39: attempt to index field 'vgal-flying-robot-frame-rocket-part' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
space_age_galore/prototypes/vgal-overrides.lua:39: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
space_age_galore/data.lua:1: in main chunk

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Fixed in 0.2.5, for real this time. (I already thought I fixed this in 0.2.4 (‘’❛ ؂ - „)ᕗ, sorry)

Thank you for the bug report! (´∀`)b

a month ago

Failed to load mods: space_age_galore/prototypes/mods/maraxsis.lua:71: attempt to index field 'vgal-thruster-fuel-thruster-oxidizer-solid-fuel-rocket-fuel' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
space_age_galore/prototypes/mods/maraxsis.lua:71: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
space_age_galore/data.lua:13: in main chunk

Incompatibility with Maraxis? Don't know if this is something you can do or the Maraxis dev should do

a month ago

Fixed in 0.2.6!

Incompatibility with Maraxis? Don't know if this is something you can do or the Maraxis dev should do

Fortunately, this is an issue in my code. (and) Unfortunately, this is an issue in my code. I myself don't play with Maraxsis, so I didn't notice this one..

Thanks for your time, and again thanks for the bug report! (´∀`)b

a month ago

No problem. Seems to be working now. Thank you for your work and fast response time :D

New response