Space Age Galore

Adds over 180 unique and balanced alternate recipes to SPACE AGE!

3 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Fluids Manufacturing

g [FIXED] Alternative space science

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

The uranium-based space science recipe does not specify gravity, so it can be made on the planets, is this intended? Feels like it trivializes the pack too soon, as the science platform only needs to make enough to research Kovarex.

a month ago

This is indeed unintended behavior, will be fixed in the next version.

Thanks for the bug report! (´∀`)b

19 days ago

I'll just report anything else I find here rather than start a new thread. Your mods are excellent by the way, big Satisfactory vibes.
Two recipes of wooden green circuits and "extra sulfuric acid" blue circuit from Vanilla Galore cannot be made in EM plant - bug or feature?

18 days ago
(updated 18 days ago)

The wood circuits not being craftable in an EM plant is intentional; they seem a bit too primitive for that. However, the same does not hold for the blue circuit recipe. This will be fixed in the next update. And btw, thanks for your kind words :)

New response