Space Spidertron

A flying spidertron capable of traversing in the zero-gravity environment of space. Designed to be used with Space Exploration, but works with most mods.

6 months ago

g [Improved docking] Last Update Added integrity

1 year, 7 months ago

for the fully functional spidertron while docked update, it added the equipment integrity weight to the spaceship, causing previous built ships to become overweight

now i understand why one might want it, however i preferred having the docked spidertron act like a manually deployable repair drone, and only functioned when the ship was in dire need and i needed to repair it from nav view

i would suggest adding an option to this feature, either by a mod option to toggle on/off, or two different 'dock' buildings, or a 'rotated-version' of the building like some SE buildings do allowing two different versions of the same building on the same constructed item

1 year, 7 months ago

Hello! Yeah I was worried today that that's the main reason people used docks. And I fully get your point, just need to decide how to handle it. Revert my changes, make it a startup setting, or an ingame mechanic.

As for now you can go to the previous release. You'll have to revert you save too, because the old version won't know what to do with the new version's data.

1 year, 7 months ago
(updated 1 year, 7 months ago)

possibly make this the difference between docking a legged-spidertron and a space spidertron? and a startup option for which is which

1 year, 7 months ago

I think Im going to do the rotate to switch modes between active and passive. Then we can have both ways, as both have their applications. And it would be cool, and I spent a lot of work getting the entities to work :P

It will take some time though, of which I don't have much. Maybe a week or two, or more. I'm sorry for the inconvenience :)

1 year, 7 months ago

Improved in newest release 1.1.0. Docks now allw passive or active docking :)

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