Space Spidertron

A flying spidertron capable of traversing in the zero-gravity environment of space. Designed to be used with Space Exploration, but works with most mods.

6 months ago

i [Added] Krastorio 2 compatibility

1 year, 9 months ago

K2 adds new items to put into the grid, which aren't supported right now:
electric engines to increase vehicle movement speed which used instead of exoskeletons (how would you even slap them onto spidertron with no legs, huh? (perhaps even worth using SE jetpacks rather than engines?))
large batteries, tiers for small and large batteries
large portable solar panel, second tier of small and large portable solars
changes roboports to tier 1 and tier 2 and also adds large vehicle roboport (none of them uses vanilla name)
portable nuclear reactor instead of the vanilla fusion reactor (which is moved later in the tech tree, a lot later with SE) and singularity reactor as the tier 3 reactor
bunch of tiered submachine and sniper personal lasers
there are 2 more "burner" generators and a tesla coil which are obsolete at that point and probably should not be used in a space tier vehicle?
And all of this can't be used in the Space Spidertron grid, which is very bad as K2 changes some vanilla items and renders it useless (can't use roboports and can't even properly power it) when Space Spidertron used alongside K2 (which is often used alongside SE).

Also, might be a nice idea to add 2 more tiers of Space Spidertron with each tier using different reactor as part of a crafting recipe and have different grid and/or storage size as more powerful reactors would allow them to carry more (makes sense as spidetron doesn't consume fuel on it's own anyway)?

1 year, 9 months ago

I will fix the K2 compatibility, that's quite important.

I'm not going to add tiers though. Not everyone wants to have multiple spidertron tiers.

Thanks for the report!

1 year, 9 months ago

Added in the newest release.

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

Thanks a lot, but there's another issue with fuel required: default K2 fuel for spidertrons is "DT-fuel cell" which unlocks with a fusion power tech (Energy 3), while the spidertron itself is unlocked much earlier. Can you add support for the nuclear fuel cell and, by extent, singularity fuel cell?

1 year, 9 months ago

Oops. I'm mimicing the normal spidertron, meaning it also supports Nuclear Fuel now. Fixed in the latest release.

Thanks again for your feedback!

1 year, 9 months ago

Thank you for the fix

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