Improved Research Queue

A better GUI for managing the research queue. Unlimited size, move technologies up and down, automatically add prerequisites, filter & search technologies, pause/unpause, estimated time to completion, and more!

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g [FIXED] Tech descriptions in tooltips

3 years ago

Hello. The tech tooltips show "Unknown key" for tech.description if there is no description in the locale file.
This appears to be set in "tech_button.lua"... please could you skip the Description line in the tooltip if there is no localised description?

3 years ago

Unfortunately I don't think this is possible. There's no way for a mod to tell if a locale key has a value or not.

3 years ago

on_string_translated event has "translated" boolean and returns result string as nil if no translation available.

3 years ago

Oh interesting! I never knew quite what the translated boolean meant there. Okay then I think this is doable.

3 years ago

Fixed in v0.4.21

3 years ago

Nice one Guv - looks good.

New response