Improved Research Queue

A better GUI for managing the research queue. Unlimited size, move technologies up and down, automatically add prerequisites, filter & search technologies, pause/unpause, estimated time to completion, and more!

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Option to automatically add research to queue when empty

4 years ago

I like your mod. It looks great. It's fun and easy to use.

Sometimes, I want to control what gets researched next. Other times, I don't want to think about it.

For those times when I'm feeling lazy, it would be cool to have a checkbox that would tell the mod to automatically pick research for you from whatever gets by the filter settings. Maybe it would be disabled by default.

What's your opinion on this feature?

4 years ago

Personally I don't think I would use it much, I like having control over what gets researched, and it's so easy to just open the Research Queue and click a bunch of techs to queue them up that I don't know that it really saves you much effort.

If such a feature would choose the next research in a simple way like just taking whatever's next in the GUI, that's so easy to just do yourself so what's the point. If it has some more complicated way of picking research, it would be hard to code something that will work the way everyone wants it to. There are other mods like Auto Research that do stuff like this and have complicated algorithms for determining what to research next, but ultimately I think given how easy it is to queue up a bunch of techs with my mod, it's not really necessary.

Someone previously asked for compatibility with this mod and Auto Research, but I looked into it and realized it might be pretty tricky. If enough people want that though I could try it. I don't think I would add any kind of auto-research functionality into this mod though.

So in conclusion, I think that queuing a bunch of stuff and then forgetting about it is easy enough, so auto-research wouldn't really add much and is tough to implement in a way that satisfies everyone. Does that make sense?

4 years ago

Yep, thanks for the reply.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I would take a auto search for afk when base is running alone for late game infinite research.

There are other mods like Auto Research that do stuff like this and have complicated algorithms for determining what to research next, but ultimately I think given how easy it is to queue up a bunch of techs with my mod, it's not really necessary.

I think a nice algo would simply to queue the lowest count of total science require, this make late game research go little by little, or just pick random.

(Thus that could be a standalone mode, queue is one thing, but research pick is another, should be possible to have a mod that look for empty research and pick a research regardless of queue feature)

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