Improved Research Queue

A better GUI for managing the research queue. Unlimited size, move technologies up and down, automatically add prerequisites, filter & search technologies, pause/unpause, estimated time to completion, and more!

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i [FIXED] [Suggestion] Multiplayer Support

4 years ago

Per the description, it's possible, so I'm just making the actual suggestion :)

For what it's worth I've been running IRQ on a 3-man server without any noticeable issues so far.

4 years ago

I think that if all players are on different teams it'll work fine. It's when multiple players are on the same team and thus share the same research queue that I haven't figured out yet. Is your server all one team or separate teams with separate research?

4 years ago

Multiplayer support turned out to be not that hard to do, added in v0.4.0.

New response