Improved Research Queue

A better GUI for managing the research queue. Unlimited size, move technologies up and down, automatically add prerequisites, filter & search technologies, pause/unpause, estimated time to completion, and more!

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

b [FIXED] Deletes qued research

4 years ago

Yes I warned about this in the mod description:

Do not use the vanilla research queue with this mod; the mod will most likely overwrite the vanilla queue.

You shouldn't need to use the vanilla queue at all.

4 years ago

Ok, was just thinking that u would make it so it had an enable disable function. As this mod have:

4 years ago

Yeah good point, I'll add some functionality to disable the vanilla queue since it doesn't work with my mod.

4 years ago

The mod will now disable the vanilla research queue if it detects that its enabled and warn the user about it

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

ok Thanks. Just curios, can i reenable if u disable default. Like going back to default if so desired. and later enable your cue again ?

Back & forth ?

4 years ago

No, as long as my mod is installed the vanilla queue needs to be disabled. You shouldn't need to use the vanilla queue anyway; if you want to use it you can uninstall my mod and use another mod like Enabled Research Queue to turn the vanilla queue back on.

4 years ago

So now that the mod disables the standard queue, can you remap the key combo to the vanilla queue's button?

4 years ago

You can change the keyboard shortcut yourself in the controls. I can't make it conflict with the vanilla one by default, you would need to un-bind the vanilla one yourself. Plus I think the vanilla technology screen is still useful, it gives you more information about the tech tree.

4 years ago

Yeah, I noticed that when I booted up the mod today. Is there any way to integrate the vanilla screen or some sort of tree into the mod?

4 years ago

It might be possible, I'm not sure, but it would definitely be a LOT of work. I think it's not worth it since the vanilla screen is so good and you can still use that pretty easily. If you didn't know, you can Alt+Click the technology buttons in my mod to open them on the vanilla technology screen. Also, starting/cancelling from the vanilla screen works with my mod.

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