Someone's nuclear powerplant [WIP]

My nuclear powerplant in UPS friendly: I took my 1.1 GW (2*4 reactors) smart-powerplant blueprint and made it into a single entity. Blueprint-String is in the .zip This entity costs all the ingredients the original construction would cost (unless I missed something; this is a WIP). It consumes 1 fuelcell every 25 sec: the original eats 8 every 200 sec under full load. It pauses consumption, if not enought energy is used up - as the original would in a way. (Currently not rotatable and the water-requirement at the offshore pumps is not checked either/doesnt work)

1 year, 4 days ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Few improvments

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

This is best thing i found for Uranium fuel sink so far and not lose UPS with 48 reactor plants.

Can you lose the walls and make it fit into 3x3 chunk?
HD texture for the whole entity would not hurt.
Change category to Production, so its not in a tab of its own.

3 years ago

Category change done.

Graphics will be done later

New response