Disable enemy generation

TREES ARE THE NEW ENEMY no 1! Enable mod to disable the spawning of enemy bases and trees on NEWLY GENERATED chunks. Disable mod to restore previous behavior. This way you can go mega without having to use lua commands (=losing achievements) or restart the game and can actually kill all enemies. WARNING: Usually the game generates a few more chunks than what the player sees and enemies may already have been generated and exist on chunks not yet discovered by the player and may expand.

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Bug or i missed something ?

a month ago

I tried this mod as i don't want combat in my game.
The only problem is that with this mod enabled (since first launch of new world), there is NO trees, not even one.

I missed something ?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Yeah ... you missed the description: "TREES ARE THE NEW ENEMY no 1!"

This mod, when enabled, will prevent enemies AND trees to be generated on newly generated chunks.

The mod is intended to let you generate some enemies and allow their expansion, and disable the generation later during the game on chunks that are further away and to prevent the bloating of the save file and to make it possible to actually kill all enemies for good.

If you just dont want any enemies from the beginning, just disable them in the game settings.

I may add some setting to allow tree generation, since it may be more fitting in the new space age game setting.

a month ago


This line /heavily/ implies that trees are NOT disabled, while the next line says they are. If you don't allow tree generation, I would suggest finding a less contradictory tagline.

a month ago

try reading more than the first sentence.

"Enable mod to disable the spawning of enemy bases and trees on NEWLY GENERATED chunks"

a month ago

Try writing a better first sentence.

Also, try reading more than the first half of mine. I /said/ that the description also says that. It doesn't change the fact that that first line is suggesting different behavior. That's the whole reason this thread exists. "[...] and trees" is pretty easy to miss as compared to that all-caps tagline saying "TREES ARE THE NEW ENEMY".

a month ago

Not a bug. You are not being productive. Locking.

This thread has been locked.