Improved Sniper Rifle and Carbine

by AivanF

Rifles for long-range killing. The mod provides 2 guns, 3 tiers of ammo and nice balance :)

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b cant delete mod from pc

1 year, 2 months ago

the file "sniperrifle.ogg" cant be deleted, even attempting to rename the file crashes windows explorer for some reason :p

1 year, 2 months ago

Ehm, this is really weird, this is a usual file of an ordinary mod, and I hear such a problem for the first time.

Btw, typically you install a Factorio mod by copying it as a zip archive, not unpacking it into separate files. So, maybe you replaced/edited the file or smth else... Try restarting your PC or google for relevant answers as I have nothing else to say, especially cuz I have no Windows myself.

1 year, 2 months ago

i fixed it but i had to do some crazy windows stuff and unindex ogg files from windows explorer, whatever that means, here is a link to the guide that helped me:

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