Slowdown Concrete

Lets slow it all down.... Adds in two new variants of Hazard Concrete that will slow the engineer down.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Environment

g Slow on Biter/Enemy

3 months ago

Does it work to slow down Biters/Enemy Forces?

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Unfortunately, strenuous testing has revealed that when prompted with work safety initiatives like the slowdown concrete, biters just continue on their way ignoring the potential safety gains.
Our scientists are experimenting with other ideas to enforce better safety practices, but their initial idea of firing Lubricant out of a Flamethrower Turret brought up questions like "Why not just kill them... with.... you know... fire."

The idea of this mod was to add in something to help players control their movement when speeds get a little crazy, which can be important when you have modded armors with 20x20 grids, or new legendary-quality Exoskels.
(OHGOD! Modded 20x20 grid with legendary-quality Exoskels..... Can you manage to stop in the same Radar section on purpose?)

It wasn't planned to let players just stop biters in their tracks.
I will say, I'm considering some potential ideas, but they would be a separate idea, and would have a significant cost involved...

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