Sky's Simplified Space Age

by SkyKiwi

Fully toggleable/customizable suite of tweaks to make Space Age easier to play. Includes options such as allowing robots in space, removing location requirements from Space Age buildings, simplified recipes, cheaper rockets, cheaper space and land foundations, nutrient/science spoilage adjustments, unlock all qualities (with automation), and many more. See the GitHub page for a full list of options. Some options can be reversed to make the game harder.

10 days ago
a month ago
Latest Version:
0.3.5 (10 days ago)
Factorio version:
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606 users

Fully toggleable/customizable suite of tweaks to make Space Age easier to play. Makes Space Age less frustrating for newer players primarily via simplified recipes and removal of location requirements (and thus less interplanetary logistics).

See the GitHub page for a full list of options. Some options can be reversed to make the game harder.

Some key options (as of 0.3.1) include:

  • Adjust the distance between planets
  • T3 Module recipes reverted to base game.
  • Cliff Explosives recipe reverted to base game.
  • Adjustible (cheaper by default) rocket parts amount required to complete a rocket.
  • Space Foundations stack higher, and are crafted in sets of 10 at no extra cost/time.
  • Allow Chests in Space
  • Allow Roboports/Robots in Space
  • Nauvis requirement removed from Biolab placement.
  • Captive biter nests can eat Nutrients instead of Bioflux.
  • Vulcanus location requirement removed from crafting Foundries, Big Mining Drills, and Turbo Belts.
  • Calcite requirement removed from the iron/copper ore to molten metal recipes.
  • Artillery and Artillery Ammo recipes reverted to base game.
  • Fulgora location requirement removed from Recycler and EM Plant.
  • Gleba location requirement removed from Biochamber.
  • Biochamber recipe's pentapod egg removed or replaced (with biter eggs).
  • Aquilo location requirement removed from Cryogenic Plant.
  • Foundations are lighter and crafted in sets of 10 at no extra cost/time.
  • (Disabled by default) Two alternate recipes for Foundations that only require Nauvis materials.