Shoot to Scoot

by Theis

Makes it hard to move around without shooting, shooting however give massive speed boost. Higher tier weapons give higher speed boost.

7 months ago
Transportation Cheats

g Flamethrower propulsion idea

6 months ago

Not sure if same mod but reminded me of this post on Discord a few days back where the engineer is propulsed backwards when using the flamethrower:

6 months ago

There is a certain amount of overlap in the idea. This mod does however apply to all handheld weapons.

5 months ago

Hello, I'm the creator of the flamethrower propulsion thing. It probably looks a bit similar on video, but the mechanics are completely different.

Theis' mod seems to give the player a movement speed buff while shooting (if I understand the code correctly), similar to how vanilla exoskeletons work.

My mod adds a recoil mechanic which launches the player backwards when shooting certain weapons. The player does not get direct control over the recoil motion, other than choosing where to aim.

I hope this clarifies the difference.

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