Shiveros Nuclear Overhaul for SE

by Shivero

Adds a Nuclear Power Overhaul as Standalone compatible with Space Exploration

2 years ago

i Some things to improve

2 years ago

For me one recipe is listed in the fluids category (player inventory crafting). With SE, K2 and BZ Mods no othe recipe is in this category. You should probably move it to other category so Factorio does not create a new row of categories with one category containing one recipe. It is wasting lots of space and is visual unpleasing for one recipe.

K2 compatibility: You could also try to apply the radiation effects from Krastorio 2, if installed, to your mods radioactive items.

2 years ago

Yeah i also need to do a lot of K2 compability

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Will add it to my modpack when the mentioned things are fixed :D

2 years ago

Assuming it hasn't changed added radioactivity is something like this. This is from my tweaks mod.

--Makes Plutonium and Breeder cells plus stacked versions radioactive for K2

-- if game.active_mods["Nuclear Fuel"] then
--"kr-radioactivity", "add_item", "plutonium")
--"kr-radioactivity", "add_item", "breeder-fuel-cell")
--"kr-radioactivity", "add_item", "used-up-breeder-fuel-cell")
-- end

-- if game.active_mods["Nuclear Fuel"] then
--"kr-radioactivity", "add_item", "plutonium")
--"kr-radioactivity", "add_item", "breeder-fuel-cell")
--"kr-radioactivity", "add_item", "used-up-breeder-fuel-cell")
-- end

2 years ago

i tried this but i cant remote call a migration from another mod unfortunately

2 years ago

did you put it into a control.lua file

2 years ago

For me one recipe is listed in the fluids category (player inventory crafting). With SE, K2 and BZ Mods no othe recipe is in this category. You should probably move it to other category so Factorio does not create a new row of categories with one category containing one recipe. It is wasting lots of space and is visual unpleasing for one recipe.

K2 compatibility: You could also try to apply the radiation effects from Krastorio 2, if installed, to your mods radioactive items.

K2 Radiation effects applied

2 years ago

Really nice, now the only thing would be to move this recipe into on of the other categories (on screenshot all research is completed):

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Also, I just tested the update but looks like Radiation is still missing. I think all Fuel/Breeding Cells, Plutonium, Thorium, Neptunium, Tritium Vial should have Radiation. Also it would make more sense to have your added recipes from Manufacturing moved to Resources to fit the other nuclear recipes (see here Breeding Reactor could probably also be moved after the normal reactor (

2 years ago

Also, I just tested the update but looks like Radiation is still missing. I think all Fuel/Breeding Cells, Plutonium, Thorium, Neptunium, Tritium Vial should have Radiation. Also it would make more sense to have your added recipes from Manufacturing moved to Resources to fit the other nuclear recipes (see here Breeding Reactor could probably also be moved after the normal reactor (

Categorizing is already on to do list ;)

2 years ago

Do i have to check a extra option for radiation to work? For me it did not work yesterday.

2 years ago

I also had issues but after saving and loading the save again it worked and continued to work. Try it today and if it works, save again and it will work forever. the on_load control has some strange behaviors. tried on_init first but that didnt worked at all so i released it with on_load. It may tage a few minutes after loading the save to apply for the first time

2 years ago

Just tested it and radioactivity is indeed working after saving and loading again, nice, thanks :D

2 years ago

Also just a thing I found while testing radioactivity yesterday, tritium should probalby also be radioactive, atleast a quick internet search told me this.

2 years ago

It is but Tritium is a very soft beta fission which is stopped after a few micro meters in water so it isnt harmful for the human body as long as you dont inhale it lol

2 years ago

oh ok

2 years ago

I also saw that Krastorio 2 has Tritium and you have Trituim Vail. Is this the same material? Was yours spelled wrong by accident?

2 years ago

I think I also saw your Hydrogen and also another Hydrogen from SE or K2

2 years ago

Thats no Hydrogen, its Deuterium. And yeah Trituim seems to be a typo ;) Thanks, i will correct that in the next update

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