Shield Projector

Projects an energy shield in an arc, a wall that only needs energy to sustain it. Designed for Space Exploration & AAI Industry. Space Age compatibility is not fully working yet! (See changelog)

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0


Version: 0.2.2
Date: 13. 11. 2024
    - [Space Age] Partial compatibility for Shield projectors on space platforms. 
      Projectors now correctly generate shields, however it will only block asteroids if the shield itself is on space platform foundation.
    - Added item pickup/drop sounds.

    - The Shield projector no longer has a rotated collision box when placed diagonally.
    - Internal entities no longer appear in Factoriopedia.
    - The Shield projector can no longer be opened (The priority target GUI had no effect).
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 21. 10. 2024
    - Updated for Factorio 2.0
    - Note: Due to a change in 2.0, the shield projector now has a rotated collision box when pointed diagonally, and will take up more space. This cannot currently be fixed.

    - The shield projector can now be toggled even in Space Exploration's navigation satellite view.

    - Added Ukrainian translation, thanks to Met en Bouldry.
    - Updated French translation, thanks to bev.
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 07. 08. 2022
    - Fixed multiplayer load error when used with Picker Dollies.

    - Added Spanish translation thanks to SpiderLove.
    - Added Brazilian Portuguese translation thanks to 123499 and fuhnert.
    - Added Turkish translation, thanks to superbnoobster.
    - Updated Russian translation, thanks to Shadow_Man.
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 08. 06. 2022
    - Fixed a crash if an entity become invalid.

    - Moving a projector with Picker Dollies won't displace the shield anymore.
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 26. 05. 2022
    - Added a "Shield projection" ammo category so that the shield projector does not appear as an entity benefiting from "beam" damage upgrades (it never did get benefits).
    - Decreased cost with Space Exploration.
    - Improved mod performance when handling scripting events.
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 31. 12. 2021
    - You must now be the same force as the shield to toggle it.
    - Added the "Toggle shield" key ('R' by default) to the description.

    - Players no longer can enter/get stuck in the shield project barrier internal vehicles.
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 07. 06. 2021
    - You can now press 'R' (the meteor point defence mode toggle button) over a shield projector to drop the shield (useful if it is blocking a construction robot from placing an entity).

    - find_on_surface now takes an area (optional) in addition to surface
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 06. 06. 2021
    - First version.