This mod adds UPS friendly Space Exploration themed, MAGLEV propulsed, trains. They are best used together with the Krastorio 2 and Space Exploration mod. Yet, they also function as standalone pack, using only the vanilla base game. This is however now also fully compatible with Space Age and Elevated Rails.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.0.5 Date: 2025-03-08 Info: - Update powered by Fr_Dae. Changes: - Add French text localisation. - Added new mod title texts.
Version: 1.0.4 Date: 2024-12-31 Changes: - Changed the code for the vanilla Factorio Space Train tech recipe to more consistent values.
Version: 1.0.3 Date: 2024-12-27 Changes: - Changed Space Trains tech research cost to 1500 automation, logistic, chemical, utility, space and electromagnetic science packs instead of unlocking it via crafting an electromagnetics facility. (Thanks to @snouz for the pull request) - Moved Space Trains to the Trains sub group. (Thanks to @snouz for the pull request) - Changed the weight of Space Locomotives to 4.000 from 12.000. (Thanks to @snouz for the pull request) - Reworked some Icons and their definitions. (Thanks to @snouz for the pull request) Bugfixes: - Added the missing destroyed battery refurbishment recipe when battery decay mod option and Space Age is enabled.
Version: 1.0.2 Date: 2024-11-10 Changes: - Removed legacy non HR graphics from the Mod as they are no longer needed. This should also cut down mod file size. - Removed the tint mask for cargo wagons since vanilla is not using them anyways and they behave weirdly on sloped ramps. - Slightly adjusted the vertical sprite offset of the locomotive on sloped ramps.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2024-11-01 Changes: - Added missing inventory pickup and drop sounds for destroyed battery packs. - Removed unnecessary code from data-updates.lua. - Changed changelog timestamp format.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2024-10-31 Changes: - Update the Mod to Factorio 2.0 code base (Thanks to Xorimuth for doing the gruntwork here). - Added full compatibility for Space Age. - Added new rendered sprites for full compatibility with Elevated Rails. - Despite all the compatibility the Mod still also works using only Vanilla. - Space train locomotive can now take the same color as the trains top, just like the vanilla ones do - Updated the settings to allow the user to switch between 50.000 (Vanilla) and the new 60.000 fluid capacity. - Added pickup and drop sounds for all Space Trains related items.d - Space Age: Moved the Space Trains technology behind the Electromagnetics Facility and producing one will unlock the tech. (If all prerequisites are met) - Space Age: Added gravity requirements to Space Trains. - Space Age: Added rocket stack sizes to all Space Trains and related items. Balancing: - Space Age: The Space Locomotive, Space Cargo Wagon and Space Fluid Wagon are now produced in the Electromagnetics Facility. - Space Age: The Space Locomotive now costs 20x Steel Beams, 20x Processing Units, 10x Superconductors, 5x Supercapacitors and 1x Locomotive to craft. - Space Age: The Space Cargo Wagon now costs 20x Steel Beams, 10x Processing Units, 10x Superconductors and 1x Cargo Wagon to craft. - Space Age: The Space Fluid Wagon now costs 20x Steel Beams, 10x Processing Units, 10x Superconductors and 1x Fluid Wagon to craft. - Space Age: The Space Battery Pack Charging Station now costs 10x Steel Beams, 10x Processing Units, 2x Holmium Plates and 5x Superconductors to craft. - Space Age: The Space Battery Pack now costs 10x Steel Beams, 2x Holmium Plates, 2x Superconductors and 1x Supercapacitors to craft. - Updated the default space fluid wagon capacity from 30.000 to 60.000. Bugfixes: - Added the ability to cargo wagons to dispatch robots when in automatic mode. (Requires mods that add equipment grids)
Version: 0.1.12 Date: 2022-09-01 Changes: - Changed naming of the Space Locomotive item from 'item-space-locomotive' to 'space-locomotive' for better mod compatibility. - Changed naming of the Space Cargo Wagon item from 'item-space-cargo-wagon' to 'space-cargo-wagon' for better mod compatibility. - Changed naming of the Space Fluid Wagon item from 'item-space-fluid-wagon' to 'space-fluid-wagon' for better mod compatibility. - Added a new 120 Items capacity setting for the Space Cargo Wagon. - Removed copper cable cost for the Space Locomotive when playing with Space Exploration and Krastorio 2 Mod. Balancing: - Increased the processing unit cost from 5 -> 20 for the Space Locomotive when playing with Space Exploration and Krastorio 2 Mod. Bugfixes: - Fixed the Space Locomotive missing the Locomotive ingredient when playing with Space Exploration and Krastorio 2 Mod.
Version: 0.1.11 Date: 2022-06-12 Changes: - Added a version check to make sure the battery refurbishment recipe, when used, ends up in the correct and existing subcategory for all version of Space Exploration. - Added tech prerequisites for every used ingredient for Space Train production, to the Space Trains Tech. - Added an additional speed setting for the Space train 378 km/h, which serves as a middle ground option between vanilla and default. Balancing: - Removed the nuclear power plant prerequisite for the Space Train Tech when playing vanilla. - Changed the Space Trains Tech to be placed after lithium-sulfur batteries in the tech tree when using Krastorio2. - The Space Cargo Wagon, Space Fluid Wagon and Powerpack Charging Station now require blue instead of red circuits to produce. (Amount remains the same) - Added 20 steel plates each as ingredients for the Space Train Locomotive, Cargo and Fluid Wagon. - Replaced the 20 steel plates ingredient with 80 rare metals for the Space Locomotive recipe when Krastorio2 is active. Bugfixes: - Fixed Space Train Powerpacks not requiring any batteries as ingredients when the Battery refurbishment setting is disabled.
Version: 0.1.10 Date: 2022-06-04 Changes: - Fixed wrong icons for the Space Cargo and Fluid Wagon entities. They now use the proper one instead of the base game icons.
Version: 0.1.9 Date: 2022-04-19 Changes: - Added Simplified Chinese localisation, thanks to Langzaigg.
Version: 0.1.8 Date: 2022-04-17 Changes: - Added Russian localisation, thanks to МаэстроБоли.
Version: 0.1.7 Date: 2022-02-26 Changes: - Fixed broken space cargo wagon setting doing nothing and always defaulting to 50 slots.
Version: 0.1.6 Date: 2022-02-23 Changes: - Doubled the resolution of the space locomotive sprite. - Doubled the resolution of the space cargo wagon sprite. - Doubled the resolution of the space fluid wagon sprite. - Doubled the resolution of the space MAGLEV cushions sprite (''wheels'' of the trains). Info: - Moved the space train entity graphics to the graphics folder.
Version: 0.1.5 Date: 2022-02-20 Changes: - Added Korean localisation, thanks to x2605. Info: - Added lossy pngquant compression to all the PNG files, drastically reducing mod file size while retaining all details.
Version: 0.1.4 Date: 2022-02-18 Changes: - Switched to new changelog system. (Thanks to user Xor for the heads-up!)
Version: 0.1.3 Date: 2022-02-17 Changes: - Added mod setting to change the space cargo wagon capacity back to vanilla cargo wagon capacity. - Added mod setting to change the space fluid wagon capacity back to fluid cargo wagon capacity. - Added mod setting to double the Space Train Powerpack energy density from 50MJ to 100MJ. - Added mod setting to completely disable Space Train Powerpack decay and their refurbishment mechanic. - Reordered the Space Locomotive in the crafting menu to be next to its wagons. - Fixed an issue with the Fluid Wagon sprite not being pixel-perfect aligned 90° when driving horizontally; literally unplayable. - Slightly lowered the sound volume of the charger station when both idle and active.
Version: 0.1.2 Date: 2022-02-16 Info: - Internal release featuring the first working implementation of space trains and placeholder art.
Version: 0.1.1 Date: 2022-01-29 Info: - Internal test build to verify the functionality of the sprites.
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 2022-01-27 Info: - First version and initial commit.