
by sylee87

Rebalance various stargate recipes, three types of stargates from stargate mode and K2 planetery teleporter, according to its functionalites. The original SE force the tech-tree of any kinds of teleportation recipes after DSS4 but this mod makes teleportation and stargates starting from DSS2 to DSS4 while better one opened at higher technology.

1 year, 6 months ago
Transportation Cheats


Version: 0.1.3
Date: 2023.06.10
Pegassus Stargate: Reduce the number of arco-linked container need from 5 to 2.
Pegassus Stargate: Increase the number of Nexus need from 3 to 5.

Version: 0.1.2
Date: 2023.06.10
New Release