SE Liquid Rocket Fuel Fix

Craft liquid rocket fuel directly, bypassing vanilla rocket fuel stage. Since 'SE Liquid Rocket Fuel' hasn't been updated in 13 months and the SE rocket fuel recipes have changed in that time, I made this to update the recipes.

8 months ago
Logistics Fluids Power

g Make K2 an optional dependency

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

Since the Liquid Rocket Fuel doesn't depend on K2 directly, can you make it so K2 optional instead?
I want to use this but don't like the grind that K2 adds on top of SE

7 months ago

Sorry, can't/won't. The original mod requires K2 and does not include any non-K2 recipe versions. I would need to create those, and I don't know how. I barely know enough to go in an change values. Even if I did, that's time I could be spending in K2SE. I'm about 1000 hours in, and maybe half way through.

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