Science Bottles

by Jakzie

Adds glass bottles which are used in all science pack recipes. Bottles are made from glass and wood. Useful for adding a little more complexity to vanilla game. Compatible with modded science packs and overhaul mods including Space Exploration, Industrial Revolution 2, Bob's mods and Angel's mods.

2 years ago

i Satellite Recipe

2 years ago

It seems to me that Space Science dodges the glass bottles requirement. I've been playing an MP game with the mod for some time and we set the Satellite recipe to require 1000 glass bottles, which sounds ridiculous but actually ended up being totally fine and interesting in practice.

Might be worth including, just so Space Science still costs glass bottles!

(we also made the glass bottle recipe require one Lead ( ) to represent leaded Glass, but that's totally optional to include in my opinion)

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