Modular Turrets

by wodzu93

Adds 8 (15 counting variations) new turrets for dealing with alien menace, as well as other military-related items. Good compliment to mods that add new biter types, like Rampant or Natural Evolution.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0
CC BY 3.0
7 years ago
Latest Version:
8.0.9 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
43.4K users



  • Turret Mounts
    Modular turrets (marked with (M)) are constructed by pairing a turret mount with a turret head. There are 2 turret mounts available, Frontline and Backline.
    Frontline mounts provide high Health, various damage resistances, and have narrow, but long firing cones. Unlocked with Modular Turrets technology.

    • 8 Steel Plates
    • 1 Engine Unit
    • 20 Concrete

    * Concrete * Engine * Military Science Pack

    Backline mounts have low health and lack resistances. In return, they provide extended range and wider firing cones. Unlocked with Backline Turret Mount technology.
    * 20 Plastic Bars * 4 Advanced Circuits * 1 Electric Engine Unit * 2 Low Density Structures

    * Modular Turrets * Electric Engine * Low Density Structure

  • Heavy Scattergun Turret
    Early game turret, accessible with Logistic Science. Uses shotgun ammunition and shoots multiple pellets in one shot, just like a handheld shotgun.
    Requires a clear line-of-sight to the target, as pellets colide with any object in the way. Place in front of the walls.
    Very good at handling swarms of Small Biters.

    • 5 Steel Plates
    • 15 Copper Plates
    • 10 Iron Gear Wheels
    • 10 Stone Bricks

    * Steel * Military * Logistic Science Pack

  • Heavy MG Turrets (M)
    First of the modular turrets, accessible with Military Science and last turret that does not require oil refineries.
    Uses Firearm Magazines as ammo and has innate +100% damage modifier. Considerably longer range than standard Gun Turrets (30-35). Turret head item can be used as a handheld weapon.

    • 6 Iron Plates
    • 3 Iron Gear Wheels
    • 3 Electronic Circuits

    * Automation * Gun Turret * Engine * Military Science Pack

  • Gatling Turrets (M)
    Last turret that uses Firearm Magazines as ammo. Shares +100% damage modifier with Heavy MG, but has very narrow firing cone and heavily increased rate of fire.
    Best placed in low numbers at spots with highest enemy pressure. Researched with Chemical Science. Technology also unlocks Slowdown Rounds Magazine - improved bullets with higher base damage (12) and 25% slow debuff to shot targets.

    • 8 Copper Plates
    • 12 Iron Sticks
    • 2 Advanced Circuits
    • 1 Electric Engine Unit

    * Modular Turrets * Electric Engine * Military 3

  • Light Cannon Turrets (M)
    First entry in the cannon line. Light Cannon uses shells as ammunition, providing a high single hit damage at range (45-50) - enough to one-shot Medium Biters.
    Technology comes bundled with Fragmentation Cannon Shells, early ammunition variant that can kill Medium Biters in a single shot and creates fragmentation to hurt nearby enemies as well. Requires Military Science to unlock.

    • 5 Copper Plates
    • 4 Steel Plates
    • 4 Iron Gear Wheels
    • 1 Advanced Circuit

    * Modular Turrets * Advanced Electronics * Explosives

  • Dual Cannon Turrets (M)
    An upgraded variant of Light Cannon - better rate of fire and longer range (60-65). Requires Chemical Science to unlock.

    • 2 Light Cannons
    • 1 Speed Module 1

    * Light Cannon Turrets * Military 3 * Speed Module

  • Heavy Cannon Turrets (M)
    Final cannon turret. Huge range (75-80), innate damage multiplier of +100% and low fire rate. One-shots any non-behemoth enemies. Requires Utility Science to unlock.

    • 5 Steel Plates
    • 2 Advanced Circuits
    • 2 Low Density Structures
    • 50 Lubricant

    * Dual Cannon Turrets * Military 4 * Tank

  • Rocket Turrets (M)
    Uses rockets as ammo. Fires very slowly (1 shot every 10 seconds), but has the longest range (90-95) of any turret that is not an artilley. Backline variant can be safely used with nuclear rockets when placed correctly.
    Reserach requires Chemical Science. Additionaly, technology will unlock Slowdown Rockets, single target damage with area of effect slowing effect.

    • 5 Steel Plates
    • 2 Advanced Circuits
    • 2 Rocket Launchers

    * Modular Turrets * Rocketry

  • Pulse Laser Turrets (M)
    First modular turret that uses energy. Sacrifices damage per shot for increased range (40-45) and lower energy consumption compared to standard Laser Turrets. Unlocked with Chemical Science.

    • 10 Plastic Bars
    • 10 Batteries
    • 5 Electronic Circuits
    • 1 Speed Module

    * Modular Turrets * Military 3 * Lasers * Speed Module

  • Beam Turrets (M)
    Unlocked with Utility Science. Unlike other modular turrets, this one's firing effect varies based on the mount it is put in. Frontline mounted beam turret will fire a piercing beam, hitting all targets in a line (range 30) and dealing Poison type damage. This does deal friendly fire, so turret must be placed in front of the wall, like Scattergun Turrets. Backline mounts fire a continous electric beam (50 range), dealing very low amounts of Electric damage and slowing all targets in a small radius around impact point by 75%.

    • 10 Plastic
    • 10 Batteries
    • 2 Processing Units
    • 2 Uranium Fuel Cell

    * Pulse Laser Turrets * Nuclear Power * Military 4

  • Thermal Laser Turrets (M)
    This energy based turret deals Fire type damage, instead of normal Laser type. In addition to upfront damage, each shot also lights targets on fire and creates a flame at the spot it hits. Has a good range as well (55-60).
    Space Science is required to unlock. Turret head can be slotted into equipment grids, but it keeps it's high energy usage per shot - meaning it can't be sustained over long periods of shooting, even with 4 Portable Fission Reactors.

    • 10 Plastic Bars
    • 10 Batteries
    • 1 Efficiency Module 2

    * Beam Turrets * Space Science Pack * Efficiency Module 2


  • Advanced Radars
    Adds 2 radar heads that go on Backline Turret Mount - Sentry Radar and Scanning Radar. Sentry Radar reveals an area equivalent to 3x3 grid of regular radars at comparatively lower energy consumption. Scanning Radar only reveals the chunk it's in, but provides very fast sector scanning and very big scanning area, at a cost of large energy consumption. These radars are unlocked with Advanced Radar Stations, requiring Utility Science.

  • Cannon Shells Compatibility
    Vanilla cannon shells have been modified to work well with turrets - will not collide with friendly entities. "Cannon Shell" will now target a position rather than direction, meaning it will impact at the mouse cursor position.

  • Flamethrower Turret Rebalance
    Flamethrower turrets have received increased fluid consumption, by a factor of x10 (from 3/s to 30/s). This should prevent them from completely trivializing base defense.

  • Space Age Integration
    Mod will integrate itself with Space Age tech tree, redistributing when each turret tech becomes available. Some recipes also receive alterations.


  • Turret Pretargeting | Startup | Default ON
    All Modular Turrets have a feature, where they begin aiming at targets that are slightly outside ther maximum range. This improves turret responsiveness, however turrets can become stuck, where they target a nest or worm just outside their range and refuse to switch targets. To fix this, either disable this option, or use target priorities added in Factorio 2.0 to make turrets ignore stationary targets.


As of 2.0 update, diagonal rotations of turrets will have their collision box rotated as well. Currently there is no way to revert back to 1.1 behaviour.


Art assets for Modular Turrets sourced from Original War, HR versions created with AI upscaling. Link to the store page of the game:

ADD-ONS by Mashaa
Submod that adds multiplicative damage bonuses to modular turrets.