Modular Turrets

by wodzu93

Adds 8 (15 counting variations) new turrets for dealing with alien menace, as well as other military-related items. Good compliment to mods that add new biter types, like Rampant or Natural Evolution.

19 days ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Industrial Revolution 3 crash

6 months ago

Industrial revolution 3 (v3.1.8) crashes with error (Function called in data_final_fixes. Something about productivity module limitation recipes. Presumably, turrets and turret parts recipes must not allow prod modules, and i rememer thay were allowed with eralier version of IR3).

6 months ago

Fixed. IR3 expects "category" field in recipes to not be nil - which is weird, since it's an optional field anyway and has a default interpretation if it is nil.

6 months ago


New response