Modular Turrets

by wodzu93

Adds 8 (15 counting variations) new turrets for dealing with alien menace, as well as other military-related items. Good compliment to mods that add new biter types, like Rampant or Natural Evolution.

19 days ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Can you add a InfernoTower like coc?

2 years ago

It's already in the game - vanilla flamethrower turret.

2 years ago

I mean towers with exponentially increasing damage

2 years ago

Just because I could add new stuff, doesn't mean its a good idea - you have to think about use case of each turret, where in the tech tree it should go, what should it work good against, and what it's bad against. Because stock game only has 2 enemy types, stock turrets already cover most situations - my mod mainly comes in if player wants to play with biter threat increased (biter settings ramped up, added mods to increase biter variety or threat level), where increased turret variety makes sense and is helpful. Against stock biters its simply nothing more but power creep.

I'm not against your idea in itself, but existing turret options already cover all threats. Turret like this would require boss-type monsters as opposition, where damage ramp over time is just the thing needed to melt through mountains of HP on a single target.

My main block though is graphics - I'm a programmer, not an artist. Unless someone is willing to work with me by creating new turret assets, I'm stuck with what I have currently.

2 years ago

2 years ago

bob enemies , big-monster mod need new turret

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