Modular Turrets

by wodzu93

Adds 8 (15 counting variations) new turrets for dealing with alien menace, as well as other military-related items. Good compliment to mods that add new biter types, like Rampant or Natural Evolution.

19 days ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Krastorio 2 ammo rec friendly.

2 years ago

First of all thank you for that great mod, thanks to it I replayed Original War.

And to the point- would it be possible to change ammo rec to Krastorio-ish iron+copper+steel+coal? For example 3 steel 3 copper 10 coal? Or Granade + Armour-piercing rifle round + steel?

2 years ago

I'm not changing the recipe - it's fine as is. As for Krastorio 2, this mod already supports it, so you can play with it no problem if you like what that mod does to combat.

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