Modular Turrets

by wodzu93

Adds 8 (15 counting variations) new turrets for dealing with alien menace, as well as other military-related items. Good compliment to mods that add new biter types, like Rampant or Natural Evolution.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

i More shotgun shell using turrets?

4 years ago

Hey! Just wanted to say foremost that i really really love using modular turrets, they make the game a lot more varied and amazing!
I was wondering if there was a possibility that we could see more advanced shotgun shell using turrets other than the scattergun (with the mounts).

4 years ago

Scatters have fire immunity, high armor and HP levels, and scale well into the late game with uranium ammo and damage upgrades, there is no need to introduce new shotgun turrets.

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