That line ("Damage Bonus") only appears if turret has passive damage boost by itself, and confusingly shows researched turret damage bonus if there is one. Instead of looking at that, place down these turrets, hover over them with mouse and look at values in "Damage" tooltip (turret must have ammo). To check if +turret damage applies, simply calculate values yourself.
There are two values, base damage and bonus damage from research, looking like this: "Damage: X + Y <DMG Type>".
Here's the formula:
X = AM * (TB + 1), AM - ammo base damage value, TB - turret passive damage bonus
Y = X * (ADR + 1)* (TDR + 1) - X, ADR - ammo damage bonus (reserach), TDR - turret damage bonus (research)
TB values:
HMG: +50%
Heavy Cannon: +20%
Scattergun: +50%
Others and Vanilla turrets: +0%
Let's use HMG turret as an example. In my game, ADR is +320%, TDR is +300%, AM is 24 (uranium ammo)
X => 24 * (0.5 + 1) = 36
Y => 36 * (3.2 + 1) * (3 + 1) - 36 = 36 * 4.2 * 4 - 36 = 568.8
"Damage: 36 + 568.8 Physical"
Another example with vanilla Gun Turret, uranium ammo, ADR +320%, TDR +470%:
X => 24 * (0 + 1) = 24
Y => 24 * (3.2 + 1) * (4.7 + 1) - 24 = 24 * 4.2 * 5.7 - 24 = 550.76
"Damage: 24 + 550.76 Physical"