Safe Waterfill

Create water like landfill, without destroying things on land. Unlike most waterfill mods, this will not destroy any land-based entities, like structures, resources, cliffs, trees, or yourself. Only land with nothing on it will be replaced. Offers a choice of 6 different types of water.

1 year, 4 months ago

g Space Exploration compatibility

3 years ago

This mod might break a balance in Space Exploration

Maybe the best route would be to add a check for planets with water as some planets are expressly waterless in that mod, or disabling the mod on other planets than nauvis altogether.

3 years ago

Space Exploration already checks to see if water should be placed on certain planets, so you can use that for reference.

My SE-deadlock bridge also uses the remote interface to get the universe list to do some other comparison, you can look at that as well.

3 years ago

I can't play it for 100 hours to unlock different planets to test this feature, and I'm not that familiar with how it works. If someone wants to help with this I might be able to test it. I'd need 2 recent Space Exploration saves, one on another planet with water and one on a planet without. You can post them on the suggestions page of the Nullius discord channel (linked on the Safe Waterfill Information tab).

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

There are debug commands to unlock all planets in the space exploration scripts/remote interface file.
Finding a waterless planet might take some time, but there's at least one vulcanite planet in the home system that's supposed to have that. Once you've generated it, you can use Editor mode to move between surfaces for testing, since it only looks at generated surfaces, and SE only does so if you look at them first.

If you want an example of how SE blocks water on those planets, open the control file and control f 'water', it should be easy to find.
You'll need to use the remote interfaces for surface commands instead of functions, though.

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