Red alert 2 Nuclear Power Plant

by nbdfs1

为游戏加入红警2的核子反应堆,这个特殊的核电厂会直接从地表汲取可用的铀矿,并根据铀矿的富裕程度来激发不同等阶的能源;能够很好地为游戏中期蒸汽/太阳能-->核能的发电产线提供一个过渡。 Add the Red Alert 2 Nuclear Reactor, a special nuclear power plant that directly draws uranium ore’s radiation from underground and stimulates different levels of energy based on the abundance of uranium ore. It can provide a good transition for the mid game steam/solar --> nuclear power generation line. Please use this mod under 简体中文 / English locale, thanks.

1 year, 6 months ago
Combat Mining Power