新增红警2的铁幕装置,按下[K]获取瞄准器后点击一个位置来释放,可以在一小段时间内使范围内的实体无敌;如果科技足够发达,你的思路足够清奇,它或许还能够帮助你实现全自动无敌,详见科技描述。Add Iron-Curtain Device of Red Alert 2 to the game, press [K] to obtain the collimator/automatically call a device and click a position to protect entities within the range for a period of time. If you have some novel ideas, it may also help you achieve a fully automatic invincible defense system. For more information, see the technology descriptions.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Counted when a user downloads a mod release for the first time. Before Nov 2021 it counted everytime a user clicked the mods download button.
Counted when a user downloads a mod for the first time. Has no data before Dec 2022