Makes resources more sparse than base game. You will need to use trains much earlier to get resources. Game will be more difficult especially with higher enemy settings.
Mod category: Tweaks
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Hi, I've just published a new mod that adds Lead: (similar to my existing Titanium mod).
Would appreciate if you could add support in RSO. I think it should have a starting area spawn and be just a little less common than copper.
I would also not mind contributing directly, if you have a README or something.
It's much faster if you will prepare the config yourself. In rso in resourceconfigs folders there is a description of what various parameters do in vanilla.lua config file.
I can also prepare one based on your info - that might take a bit longer since I'm not actively modding right now. I'll take a look from time to time and do stuff in batches then.