Makes resources more sparse than base game. You will need to use trains much earlier to get resources. Game will be more difficult especially with higher enemy settings.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Version: 7.0.10 Date: 2025.03.12 Changes: - add cargo ships support - add fulgoran enemies support (RSO won't interefere with their generation anymore) - add support for Py alternative energy resources (balance pending) - add support for Space age without space - add support for planet Muluna
Version: 7.0.9 Date: 2024.12.31 Changes: - enabled bz mods support properly
Version: 7.0.8 Date: 2024.12.31 Changes: - tweaked Vulcanus resources to prevent shortage of resources in smaller demolisher territories - re-enabled bz mods resource support
Version: 7.0.7 Date: 2024.12.02 Changes: - restored multi resource support properly
Version: 7.0.6 Date: 2024.12.02 Changes: - restored multi resource support
Version: 7.0.5 Date: 2024.11.14 Changes: - removed optimization that caused ore patches to be cut along certain line sometimes - re-enabled support for yuoki mods
Version: 7.0.4 Date: 2024.11.09 Changes: - reactivated missing resource print for non SA games - re-enabled support for PY mods and fixed big resource nodes to be single spawns
Version: 7.0.3 Date: 2024.11.05 Changes: - add special tungsten patch to Vulcanus that is spawned near starting area within small demolisher zone - add new command /rso-regenerate-surface that will regen surface that player is currently looking at, with parameter all it will also regenerate starting area
Version: 7.0.2 Date: 2024.11.03 Changes: - fix clear and regenerate commands
Version: 7.0.1 Date: 2024.11.03 Changes: - hide unsupported resources messages for now
Version: 7.0.0 Date: 2024.11.03 Features: - first version for Factorio 2.0, supports both vanilla and expansion. Balance might be off but should be playable. Changes: - only base game is supported in this version
Version: 6.2.26 Date: 2024.04.06 Changes: - add support for Tricky Old Nick by half_a_cat - add support for Normal Ores For Angel's to properly reenable standard ores in RSO
Version: 6.2.25 Date: 2023.09.01 Changes: - add phosporite from Lambet Nil to ignored resources
Version: 6.2.24 Date: 2023.07.05 Changes: - make Darkstar utilities config work with fixed version
Version: 6.2.23 Date: 2023.02.07 Changes: - add support for bzchlorine mod (by brevven)
Version: 6.2.22 Date: 2023.01.09 Changes: - extend Industral Revolution mod support to version 3 of mod
Version: 6.2.21 Date: 2022.12.20 Changes: - update support for PY mods (thanks to notnotmelon)
Version: 6.2.20 Date: 2022.07.26 Changes: - add support for bzgas mod (by brevven)
Version: 6.2.19 Date: 2022.07.08 Changes: - add support for bztin mod (by brevven)
Version: 6.2.18 Date: 2022.07.04 Changes: - fixed Krastorio 2 mineral water config (thanks to Dairyman)
Version: 6.2.17 Date: 2022.06.26 Changes: - make PyMod configs dual (old one restored and new one active from pycoal 1.9.4)
Version: 6.2.16 Date: 2022.06.22 Changes: - add raising of build events when spawning ores and enemies
Version: 6.2.15 Date: 2022.05.28 Changes: - updated configuration for PyMods and added config for PyAlternativeEnergy (by TwentyEighty)
Version: 6.2.14 Date: 2022.03.18 Changes: - updated configuration for Quatmore (by Qatavin)
Version: 6.2.13 Date: 2022.02.11 Changes: - added Ukrainian translation by Met_en_Bouldry - add support for bzcarbon mod (by brevven) - add support for bzaluminum mod (by brevven)
Version: 6.2.12 Date: 2022.01.08 Changes: - added support for RitnGlass - add /rso-override-seed command - can be used to pass fixed seed to rso to be used for ore generation - add isInStartingArea to external interface - passing game surface index and tile X, Y will check if it's in one of starting areas - fix RSO enemy base spawning to take into account bigger starting area when calculating enemy base composition - added mod thumbnail by snouz
Version: 6.2.11 Date: 2021.10.28 Changes: - added fix of carbon adamo mod to resource generation
Version: 6.2.10 Date: 2021.10.26 Changes: - added support for Qatmore mod (by Qatavin)
Version: 6.2.9 Date: 2021.09.09 Changes: - added support for SpFuMaterialPack mod
Version: 6.2.8 Date: 2021.06.19 Changes: - added support for nullius mod (by Anachrony) - added support for Zirconium mod (by brevven)
Version: 6.2.7 Date: 2021.06.13 Changes: - when Krastorio 2 and Tungsten mods are present there will be mineral water spawn in starting area - add suport for starting ore settings from Angel's Refining
Version: 6.2.6 Date: 2021.05.22 Changes: - added support for Tungsten mod (by brevven)
Version: 6.2.5 Date: 2021.04.18 Changes: - marked Bitumen mod as incompatible - added support for Idinc's fork of Amathor Phasma's Nuclear mod - added support for Enhanced Recipes mod
Version: 6.2.4 Date: 2021.04.04 Changes: - added support for dual ores mod
Version: 6.2.3 Date: 2021.03.13 Changes: - added support for cold and explosive biters mods
Version: 6.2.2 Date: 2021.01.27 Changes: - added config for bzlead mod (by brevven)
Version: 6.2.1 Date: 2020.12.24 Changes: - adjusted config for IR 2
Version: 6.2.0 Date: 2020.11.24 Changes: - initial update for Factorio 1.1
Version: 6.1.4 Date: 2020.11.17 Changes: - update pypetroleumhandling config (resource fixes from kingarthur)
Version: 6.1.3 Date: 2020.11.16 Changes: - update pypetroleumhandling config (add bitumen-seep config by Nuage0)
Version: 6.1.2 Date: 2020.09.20 Changes: - added lithium to Darkstar Utilities support - moved Bobs and Angels configs to the end to make them override other mods
Version: 6.1.1 Date: 2020.08.16 Changes: - added support for Zombies Extended mod
Version: 6.1.0 Date: 2020.08.14 Changes: - added spawning of enemy base decals
Version: 6.0.11 Date: 2020.07.18 Changes: - added support for Dark Matter Replicators 18+ mod - added support for new MadClown's ores
Version: 6.0.10 Date: 2020.06.21 Changes: - added support for Food Industries mod - applied rename of sand to heavy-sand for Xander Mod - added natural gas 1,2,3,4 resources from Py Petroleum Handling to ignored list to suppress warning message - restored support for Geothermal generator mod (base game was updated to spawn resources properly)
Version: 6.0.9 Date: 2020.05.03 Changes: - increased probability of imersite in Krastorio2 slightly - reduced probability for niobium in PyCoal slightly
Version: 6.0.8 Date: 2020.04.11 Changes: - removed support for Geothermal generator mod (it doesn't work and issue is NaB from devs) - resources from Geothermal generator mod are now on ignore list and will spawn with default generator
Version: 6.0.7 Date: 2020.04.11 Changes: - added support for Geothermal generator mod
Version: 6.0.6 Date: 2020.03.14 Changes: - added support for Krastorio2 (by Krastor)
Version: 6.0.5 Date: 2020.03.01 Changes: - updated Py Raw Ores config to make raw coal spawn in starting area
Version: 6.0.4 Date: 2020.02.29 Changes: - added support for Leighzer's Cheetah Ore mod (by Leighzer) - added support for Enchanted mod's (Electronics, Nuclear, Industries)
Version: 6.0.3 Date: 2020.02.20 Changes: - updated Angel's natural gas generation to make numbers sane (by Dregre)
Version: 6.0.2 Date: 2020.02.11 Changes: - added compatibility with pyalienlife (by kingarthur)
Version: 6.0.1 Date: 2020.02.08 Changes: - added compatibility with Factorio Tiberium mod (RSO ignores tiberium resources and lets the mod handle it)
Version: 6.0.0 Date: 2020.01.20 Changes: - updated to Factorio 0.18
Version: 5.0.24 Date: 2019.11.19 Changes: - updated tiberium support to handle latest update by Oktabyte - added small chromium patch to starting area in PyOres
Version: 5.0.23 Date: 2019.11.10 Changes: - added support for Amator Phasma's Nuclear
Version: 5.0.22 Date: 2019.11.05 Changes: - added support for Mobile Factory
Version: 5.0.21 Date: 2019.10.22 Changes: - added support for DyWorld 0.9.1 (by bestreducer)
Version: 5.0.20 Date: 2019.09.08 Changes: - updated support for Krastorio - requires latest Krastorio version - added support for Industrial Revolution
Version: 5.0.19 Date: 2019.08.28 Changes: - updated support for Adamo Carbon mod (by ElAdamo) - improved ore patch generation (it should be a bit faster overall and fixes issues with wrong placement near obstacles)
Version: 5.0.18 Date: 2019.08.10 Changes: - updated support for Bitumen mod
Version: 5.0.17 Date: 2019.08.01 Changes: - added support for Adamo Carbon mod (by ElAdamo)
Version: 5.0.16 Date: 2019.07.27 Changes: - added support for Titanium mod - added support for Bottled science mod - added support for Modder's Science Pack mod
Version: 5.0.15 Date: 2019.07.19 Changes: - updated support for Krastorio - requires latest Krastorio version
Version: 5.0.14 Date: 2019.07.09 Changes: - added support for Reforested Wood mod
Version: 5.0.13 Date: 2019.07.09 Changes: - fixed changing of enemy base spawn chance during game causing crash
Version: 5.0.12 Date: 2019.07.06 Changes: - fixed starting area being created when mod is added to existing save
Version: 5.0.11 Date: 2019.07.05 Changes: - added support for Therax's fork of Xander Mod
Version: 5.0.10 Date: 2019.06.27 Changes: - added support for Simple Silicon mod
Version: 5.0.9 Date: 2019.06.01 Changes: - readded regenerate function that was removed when doing surface upgrade, it will regenerate all known surfaces - removed using of starting locations from map settings, addStartLocation needs to be used explicitly to spawn starting location through RSO - fixed that initial creation of starting areas could bypass the ingored surface filter
Version: 5.0.8 Date: 2019.05.29 Changes: - updated starting location spawning to use starting locations from map settings - disabled player prints when adding new starting location (status is logged in game log)
Version: 5.0.7 Date: 2019.05.19 Changes: - fixed migration issue that could cause crashes when RSO was added to save with multiple surfaces
Version: 5.0.6 Date: 2019.05.08 Changes: - fixed RSO not adopting properly to starting area location being changed by server settings
Version: 5.0.5 Date: 2019.05.08 Changes: - added proper fix for crash when running in sandbox mode - fixed crash when spawning player when new surface is created and create surface event doesn't fire
Version: 5.0.4 Date: 2019.05.08 Changes: - fixed crash when running in sandbox mode
Version: 5.0.3 Date: 2019.05.07 Changes: - fixed crash when adding new starting position - fixed wrong distance calculations with multiple starting positions - added automatic chunk generation for new starting location - adding of new starting location will use nauvis if no player is given
Version: 5.0.2 Date: 2019.05.07 Changes: - fixed crash with Delete Empty Chunks mod
Version: 5.0.1 Date: 2019.05.07 Changes: - fixed crash if surface was created before RSO had a chance to initialize
Version: 5.0.0 Date: 2019.05.06 Changes: - upgraded resource generation to support multiple surfaces - added option to regen only resources without respawning enemies - updated support for Leighzer Science Ores (by Leighzer)
Version: 4.1.1 Changes: - updated support for PyPetroleum Handling (by TwentyEighty)
Version: 4.1.0 Changes: - added support for PyPetroleum Handling (by aklesey1) - switched to new collision check for enemy bases and turrets (RSO generated bases will be biter pathing friendly)
Version: 4.0.4 Changes: - added changelog (big thanks to Pi-C for processing mod portal one) - added support for Leighzer Science Ores (by Leighzer) - added support for Leighzer Science Bottling (by Leighzer) - added support for Krastorio (by Krastor) - added support for AiX Matter (by AlienX) - added support for new enemy bases from Bob's Enemies
Version: 4.0.3 Changes: - increased starting area resource spread and made it aware of starting area size setting - made few resources more frequent for bobsores (galena, quartz) - reduced minimum ore values to prevent generation of to rich fields (mainly affected very big ore patches close to start)
Version: 4.0.2 Bugfixes: - fixed issue that could crash the game with to big amount of resource in an oil patch Changes: - added support for Leighzer's Morphite mod - added support for Extended Industries mod - added ignore for Geothermal generator mod since it's spawning it's own resources
Version: 4.0.1 Bugfixes: - fixed issue with bob enemies mod and behemot turret Changes: - added behemot turret support for vanilla turret - added russian translation (by godOFslaves)
Version: 4.0.0 Info: - inital release for Factorio 0.17 Changes: - new map gen settings are handled properly by RSO (values work directly with frequency having caveat as described above and enemy frequency having not much of an effect above 2 since it results in enemy base per region)
Version: 3.8.3 Changes: - tweaked Py Raw Ores config slightly to fix issue with salt rocks
Version: 3.8.2 Changes: - added prelimiary support for Py Raw Ores (provided by subie)
Version: 3.8.1 Changes: - added support for Xander Mod v1
Version: 3.8.0 Changes: - added support for Tiny Overhaul mod - added support for Natural Evolution Enemies new enemy bases
Version: 3.7.8 Changes: - updated support for DyWorld mod
Version: 3.7.7 Changes: - added support for Fixed Tiberium mod - updated support for Xander mod (update by Repofme1) - added Fossil Roots mod to be ignored by RSO so that it works with RSO present
Version: 3.7.6 Changes: - added support for Hardcrafting Plus mod (created by Expresso)
Version: 3.7.5 Changes: - modified support for Bio Industries to avoid dependency issues - requires Bio Industries 2.6.5 to work
Version: 3.7.4 Changes: - added support for finite water mod - might need more balancing, requires version at least 0.0.7 to work properly
Version: 3.7.3 Changes: - added support for KPOT titanium - upgraded support for all minable (needs latest version of the mod) - fixed various issues with resources size being set to none in map settings
Version: 3.7.2 Bugfixes: - fixed crash in configuration changed event
Version: 3.7.1 Changes: - added support for Bio Industries mod water option - added support for DP77's Ores mod (created by DiegoPro77) - added support for Cargo Ships mod (suppres the warning only since mod spawns it's resources in code)
Version: 3.7.0 Changes: - added support for FMRx mod - added option to disable ores from starting area, oil option extended to disable all fluid resources in starting area
Version: 3.6.5 Bugfixes: - fixed crash when Agnel's and Anonymods are present
Version: 3.6.4 Changes: - fixed issue with bob's ores thorium when it's forced to be present from settings in certain mod configurations - adjusted how distance and size exponents work to make factors below 1 work properly
Version: 3.6.3 Bugfixes: - fixed potential issue with detection of disabled ores again
Version: 3.6.2 Bugfixes: - fixed potential issue with detection of disabled ores
Version: 3.6.1 Bugfixes: - fixed oil in starting area setting
Version: 3.6.0 Bugfixes: - fixed size and richness map settings to be applied correctly (thanks to morsk for noticing that something is wrong)
Version: 3.5.14 Changes: - added support for All Mineable mod
Version: 3.5.13 Changes: - added support for Cncs sulfur and Dp77s sulfur - added support for low spec version of Darkstar Utilities
Version: 3.5.12 Changes: - added support for PyHightTech ores
Version: 3.5.11 Changes: - added support for new ores from PyCoal mod
Version: 3.5.10 Changes: - updated support for Hard Crafting mod
Version: 3.5.9 Changes: - added support for Liquid Science mod
Version: 3.5.8 Bugfixes: - fixed potential desync issues caused by use of global variables (thanks to Mylon for noticing and showing how to find them) - fixed rare case where ore/base could not spawn if it was in same vertical line as different ore/base in same chunk
Version: 3.5.7 Changes: - added support for MadClown01's Extended AngelBob Minerals
Version: 3.5.6 Changes: - removed Yaiom support since it doesn't work properly
Version: 3.5.5 Bugfixes: - fixed Homeworld sand support Changes: - added Yaiom support - removed SigmaOne's Nuclear mod fluorine ore from start area
Version: 3.5.4 Bugfixes: - fixed regenerate function with bob's mods present Changes: - added support for IceMod (provided by darkfrei) - adjusted XanderMod config (reduced ore density, removed pitchblende from start) - added rso-regenerate command
Version: 3.5.3 Changes: - added dependencies back to fix issues with bobores
Version: 3.5.2 Changes: - added support for Factorio Plus Plus
Version: 3.5.1 Changes: - added option to disable oil in starting area - added support for Napus Mod, Hydraulic Pumpjacks and Drug Lab
Version: 3.5.0 Info: - first release for 0.16 - increase iron ore richness a bit and removed uranium from starting area (along with 0.16 release notes)
Version: 3.4.8 Changes: - added support for DyWorld 0.5.1
Version: 3.4.7 Changes: - added support for DyWorld 0.5
Version: 3.4.6 Changes: - added support for DyWorld - added support for PyFusionEnergy
Version: 3.4.5 Changes: - updated Anonymods config - adds support for new metalurgy changes - updated Xander mod config
Version: 3.4.4 Bugfixes: - fixed issue that could lead to ore being spawned on water by mistake
Version: 3.4.3 Changes: - added support for Darkstar utilities - added protection from unrecognized resource settings and additional logging for this case
Version: 3.4.2 Changes: - modified way in which ore regen is reported (goes to game log now)
Version: 3.4.1 Changes: - rewrote positional seed generation to prevent overflow issues - added remote resetGeneration method to tell RSO that it should reset it's internals and treat whole map as new
Version: 3.3.13 Changes: - updated config for Xander mod (provided by Repofme1)
Version: 3.3.12 Changes: - added support for Xander mod
Version: 3.3.11 Changes: - added support for SigmaOne Nuclear mod
Version: 3.3.10 Bugfixes: - fixed angels infinite ore threshold setting range Changes: - added support for portal research mod
Version: 3.3.9 Bugfixes: - fixed issue with remote interface for disabling of chunk generation again
Version: 3.3.7 Bugfixes: - fixed issue with remote interface for disabling of chunk generation
Version: 3.3.6 Changes: - updated fluid generation to make bigger fields possible
Version: 3.3.5 Bugfixes: - fixed crash when resource landed fully in water
Version: 3.3.4 Changes: - improved resource collission detection to reduce overlaps - tweaked starting area spawning algorithm
Version: 3.3.3 Changes: - modified oil spawning to be more grouped in case it landed near water
Version: 3.3.2 Changes: - removed surprise ore regen on load
Version: 3.3.1 Bugfixes: - fixed region generation that caused ores to go missing in about 1/7th cases - fixed multiple ore generation that could fail to place new ore properly Changes: - lowered minimums for richness settings
Version: 3.3.0 Bugfixes: - fixed conflicts with sulfur ore - fixed random generator creation to prevent symmetrical ore generation
Version: 3.2.6 Changes: - revised spawning of enemy bases to prevent crashes at very long distances and allow them to be bigger
Version: 3.2.5 Changes: - added support for omnimod (provided by EmperorZelos) - increased search range and amount of tries for spawning of fluids (should help alleviate issues with water spawning)
Version: 3.2.4 Changes: - added distance exponents to settings
Version: 3.2.3 Changes: - added thorium ore support for bob's mods
Version: 3.2.2 Bugfixes: - fixed potential crash if for some reason there are no valid ores to spawn
Version: 3.2.1 Changes: - added validation to prevent potential rng error
Version: 3.2.0 Changes: - rewrote handling of resource configuration to make mod compatible with upcoming mod validation
Version: 3.1.7 Changes: - rebalanced bob's mods ores - added support for primordial ooze mod
Version: 3.1.6 Changes: - increased limit for region size to 100 and enemy base size to 20
Version: 3.1.5 Bugfixes: - fixed resource regeneration not ignoring start area Changes: - added Angel's infinite ore integration settings to mod settings system
Version: 3.1.4 Changes: - update angel's ores config (provided by Arch666Angel) - fixes fluid counts on resources - updated fluids config for bobs ores
Version: 3.1.3 Bugfixes: - fixed issues with resource regeneration
Version: 3.1.2 Bugfixes: - fixed issue with multi resource generation
Version: 3.1.1 Bugfixes: - fixed vanilla biter generation option Changes: - added tree removal option (known issue - some trees might remain and it's not an easy fix)
Version: 3.1.0 Changes: - added mod settings using new setting system - moved to built in random generator for resource generation
Version: 3.0.1 Changes: - tweaked resource generation (more oil wells, uranium a bit less rich)
Version: 3.0.0 Info: - first version for 0.15, please use forum for comments/issues - not tested extensively (
Version: 2.3.5 Bugfixes: - fixed issue with runTest remote call function Changes: - boosted range scaling for richness and size a bit more to not be very inferior compared to vanilla
Version: 2.3.4 Changes: - updated Angels ore config (provided by Arch666Angel) - added fixes to platforms mod integration (provided by Dreadicon) - buffed richness scaling with distance
Version: 2.3.3 Changes: - added new RsoMod variable defined in data.lua to allow for RSO detection on data stage - added new remote interface disableStartingArea to disable generation of starting area ores
Version: 2.3.2 Changes: - added support for Cnc's Sulfur mod
Version: 2.3.1 Bugfixes: - fixed desync with water maze support Changes: - made quartz a bit more rich for AnonyMods
Version: 2.3.0 Changes: - added beta support for AnonyMods (might be unbalanced/difficult to play) - added special handling for platforms mod (thanks to Dreadicon)
Version: 2.2.9 Changes: - added support for Infinium ore mod
Version: 2.2.8 Changes: - added remote interface that allows other mods to control order of map generation (potential integration with Water Maze mod). Known issue is that ore patches might be a bit cut when this callback is in use - this is not easy to fix atm.
Version: 2.2.7 Changes: - added support for Andrew's ore 0.14.8, please make sure to also upgrade Andrew's ore
Version: 2.2.6 Bugfixes: - fixed issue with starting area spawn when RSO is added to running game
Version: 2.2.5 Bugfixes: - fixed issue with Bukket mod support when it was not present
Version: 2.2.4 Changes: - added support for Bukket mod
Version: 2.2.3 Changes: - added support for Andrews ores - added support for Beyond
Version: 2.2.2 Changes: - added support for HardCrafting 0.5.0
Version: 2.2.1 Bugfixes: - fixed starting area resource duplication on upgrade/load
Version: 2.2.0 Changes: - added multiple starting location support - for details please see instructions on the forum thread (
Version: 2.1.0 Info: - updated for Factorio 0.14