Robot World Continued

Ability to customize the performance of your robots, such as speed, range, battery size, and more. Setting to use robots early. Setting to enable quick start mode. New robotics technologies. And more!

3 months ago
0.18 - 2.0
Logistics Logistic network

b Incompatablity with Companion Drones

1 year, 1 month ago

When playing with companion drones the Construction bank item thats
normally ment to be filtered ends up in the player inventory when said drones do any jobs.

From what i gathered this is due to the robot stack size setting, The one slot that deletes the bank item as intended in the companion drone inventory gets Overwhelmed with >50 bots and it spills over into the normal slots, whcih end up getting put in the players inventory.

The original stack size of these laser bank bots is 500 so thats what i set it to, and that fixes the issue.

But this is just a bandaid , ideally those hidden bots shouldnt get affected by the stack size setting at all

1 year, 1 month ago

I'll take a look at it.
Can't make any promises on ETA but I'll try to get it asap

1 year, 1 month ago

This should now be fixed. Sorry it took so long.

New response