Robot Tree Farm deprecated

by OwnlyMe

Robots can plant and harvest trees

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18
Logistic network

g additonal Seeds ?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hello i just tried out your mod and i find it very nice as a companion for my stabs at modding (tree-coking to pretroleum-gas)

I added the mod after i made a base run for some achievments.

I did not seen any possibilty for additional seeds expect the ones delivered when researched.....

--> how to get more seeds to have a growing field ??

in case its just so i would suggest some additional features :
- auto place seeds with the robots (not only replant; means putting the seeds in a provider-chest, where the robots also can take and plant them)
- have a certain probability to get an additonal seed when cutting down a tree in the farm
- have a recipe in an assembler for additional seed (eg. water +coal (fertilizer)+wood -> 1 seed + 10% chance for an additional seed)
- possibel Mk3 for faster growth with added fertilizer and water(barrels) -> (fertilized seeds (recipe seed + fertilzer + water)

5 years ago

i added a setting for the amount of seeds per tree in the last version.
You dont get any seeds from research, the only researches in this mod are for terraforming desert.
You can just chop down a few trees (i recommend doing that with construction robots)
You'll quickly get so many seeds that you'd need a ridiculously huge field.
I'm not sure if i'll add recipes to create seeds because the big selling point is that it works without any bells and whistles.
i was considering some kind of lawn sprinkler but it would put so much script load on the mod that the joy would stand in no relation to the costs (the mod is very lightweight)
For additional difficulty i recommend the mod "bot servicing", which is 100% compatible with this.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

hello again,

now i get it, i get some seeds while choping down some (normal) trees...... (you should mention that somewhere, or i did'nt cathed hat ) as i am normally a enviromentally sensible being it try to avoid to cut trees and even blast cliffs :-)
I first though the first seeds were granted by me from the research when i looked into the inventory

Can i insert this seeds then in provider-chest so that the robots will plant them or do i need to plant them by hand for starters ?

On a side note is there a pollution bonus for your treefarm ?

I just tried a small recipe like i mentioned before - just one assembler and one recipe needed.
If i can maybe get the robots fetch the seed and plant it automatically it would be a true robot farm

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

you need to plant them once
there is a setting where only robot-planted trees will be harvested, but that's off by default.
After that, everything works on its own.

The trees have the usual pollution absorbtion.

5 years ago


thanks for the clarification on this all - it worked out then when copying the seed before they grow to some would be trees (....

But could it not be done in a manner that the tower ot the Treefarm will automatically place the ghost in an area assigned to (area in itself (area of a roboport if exist near? ))

5 years ago

how many roboport full of trees do you need that you could make use of such a feature?^^
i have so many mods in the making that something like this doesn't really have priority for me, especially considering that 1-2 roboports should be enough for most people.

5 years ago

i only had a first look at this mod yesterday and did some tests ...
the mod is REALLY nice, allows to do wood without a "cheating greenhouse" and also allows reforesting the world.
thank you!

answer to your question above: when i use other mods, i might be dependend on wood generation, and a LOT of it. with arboretum/greenhouses i once did a few yellow belts full of wood, which was N x 800 (in 0.17 it should be N x 900) per minute. with a growth time of 50000 (two nauvis days) which (including some overhead for planting and harvesting) is 14 minutes realtime, i would need N x 14 x 900 trees. since a chunk is 32x32=1024 and trees give up to 4 wood each, i would roughly need 3 chunks of forests per yellow belt (in contrast to 1.5 chunks filled with greenhouses) :-)
but this amount of forests should have another advantage too: reducing pollution by a lot :-)

i wanted to see how many seeds per tree i would need to grow a large forest in a reasonable time, and i might have found a problem (bug?!) : a small field of trees (10x10 tiles) should use 100 seeds and produce "factor x 100" seeds. i set up 15 fields (one for each type of trees) and with a small factor of 1.1 (to not overflow the factory with seeds), i waited for some growth periods. result: constant 5700 wood, and HUGELY varying amounts of seeds, from 84 to 130 per field, with a total of 128 to 216 surplus on the entire forest (15 fields). thus a factor of 1.1 (+10%) in the mod settings caused an average per growth period between 128/15=8.5 seeds per field (-1.5%, less than 1 seed per tree!) and 216/15=14.4 (+14.4%).

for larger values, a large forest, and a long runtime, it doesn't matter much, but for small forests, a small bonus, and a short runtime (mostly the first few nauvis days after setting up the forest) it can by pure good or bad luck look quite different. i had expected that i am guaranteed 1 seed per tree, with (on average) a random 10% extra seeds. but instead you seem to convert the factor 1.1 to a chance of "factor/ceil(factor)" (1.1/2=0.55) for getting "ceil(factor)" (=2) seeds, and thus it is quite probable to either get no or 2 seeds for a total in an entire forest that is well above the intended +10% or even a lot below 100%

i could simply turn up the ratio to get enough seeds at first, but then will end up with a lot of surplus once the forest is completed and wouldn't need any additional seeds any longer. can you please check those amounts and probabilities, maybe giving three items when mining: the wood, a constant 1 seed (to be guaranteed to replant the tree), and then some more seeds similar to the current formula (probably "ceil(factor-1)" with chance "(factor-1)/ceil(factor-1)" if i understood correctly)?

5 years ago

now you can change how fast the trees grow and are guarranteed to always get at least 1 seed

5 years ago

THANK YOU ! these are really nice options !
the revenue from seeds looks much nicer now. when using a factor 1.1 (+10%), seeds range from +2% to +18% and never get into the negative, very useful and predictable for automatic production, and in the long run (15 cycles of 15x100 trees) even between +8% and +11%.

but while i was standing next to the trees and watching, i always got messages that my inventory was full since wood started to pile up automatically. looking closer it seems that my char is picking up all wood (but no seeds) in a range of maybe 20 tiles around my char, as soon as the wood drops and without any bots nearby. in the end, the wood that was collected on me and by the bots always added up to exactly 5700 per cycle, which would perfectly match 2 types of trees giving 3 wood and all others giving 4 wood (5700/15/100)=3.8=(2x3+13x4)/15 :-)
when this happened, i had the entire picker suite enabled, and one option is to "automatically collect loot" in a range of 20 tiles. but is wood some loot ? and seeds aren't ? or is some other mod or effect causing this ? what else could have a range of around 20 tiles for pickup ?
hehe, when harvest is about to start, we need a warning "TIIIIMMM-BEEERRRR" to quickly run away in time :-) LOL
should easily be possible in my setup where i use two levels of chests to synchronize the work and get exactly one cycle per day (with growthfactor slightly above 2), using an alarm after 22000 ticks :-)

5 years ago

there's a per-player setting to send all seeds to the logistic network, which is useful with all the different variations.
for wood, you can simply set up a filter specifically for wood which is much easier because its only 1 kind of item

5 years ago

the problem was not that i didn't know how to get rid of wood from my inventory, but that almost all wood (and no seeds) dropped automatically into my inventory when i was near a forest that was harvested, even with no bots coming near me.
i had not expected that the trees would be handled like alien loot or similar and automatically be collected when standing up to 20 tiles away from those trees. and even more confusing was that only the wood was teleported into my inventory but none of the seeds. that's why i asked how all those items were handled and how they ended up in my inventory in the first place.
btw: what exactly does "send seeds to logistic network" mean? are the seeds simply teleported to some chests, or are trash orders automatically generated for them, to put them in my trash slots and then taken away by logistic bots ?

5 years ago

no idea why you only get the wood and not the seeds, the trees simply get marked for deconstruction for your force.
"send seeds to logistic network" means trash orders automatically generated so they are taken away by logistic bots.

New response