Robot Attrition

Very occasionally if you have heavy logistic bot congestion a logistic bot will crash. This means logistic bots are best used for higher value items like engines or power poles, using them for low value items like ore and copper wire is OK but less resource efficient. The goal is not to stop the use of bots, but to provide a small incentive to use belts in some situations late-game.

1 year, 4 months ago
0.15 - 1.1
Logistic network


Version: 0.5.15
Date: 04. 05. 2023
    - Fixed load error introduced in the last version when using the "repair" option.
Version: 0.5.14
Date: 04. 05. 2023
    - Fixed "CRC mismatch" error when joining a server with a different "repair" mod setting.

    - Added Japanese translation thanks to YAMATO_Hajime.
Version: 0.5.13
Date: 26. 12. 2022
    - Fixed bot crashes losing item-with-entity data (e.g. spidertron colors or equipment grids inside items).
    - Fixed robots always dying in pairs. Average bots lost over time is unchanged.
    - Fixed crash when using the "repair" option, if another mod deleted a bot corpse after Robot Attrition marked it for deconstruction.
    - Fixed bots with absurd speed (e.g. Editor Extensions) causing all bots to instantly die for the rest of the game when chosen for attrition.

    - The "repair" option is now compatible with a wider range of modded bots, including those that might be missing remnants or dying effects (e.g. Bob's Logistics).
    - Repair and recombine recipes will attempt to use a repair pack of matching level to the bot's level.

    - Added Turkish translation thanks to superbnoobster.
Version: 0.5.12
Date: 08. 01. 2022
    - Fixed problem loading if a mod added robots with icons in a specific format.
Version: 0.5.11
Date: 12. 07. 2021
    - Dropped cargo now goes to a deconstructable container instead of items on the ground.
    - If you use the repair option, the collectible item is a deconstructable remnant instead of an item on the ground.
Version: 0.5.10
Date: 14. 05. 2021
    - Added Russian translation thanks to Shadow_Man.
Version: 0.5.9
Date: 29. 01. 2021
    - Fix crash if a bot became invalid during the processing loop.
Version: 0.5.8
Date: 18. 01. 2021
    - Fix that crashed robots could be deployed as working robots.
Version: 0.5.7
Date: 13. 12. 2020
    - Fix for layered robot icons and the repair recipes.
Version: 0.5.6
Date: 13. 12. 2020
    - Updated repair recipe to have % secondary products if not all of 1 ingredient is needed.
    - Added 2nd restoration recipe for robot recombination.
Version: 0.5.5
Date: 07. 12. 2020
    - Creative mod test bots don't cause a crash during loading.
Version: 0.5.3
Date: 07. 12. 2020
    - Fixed problem with robot repair activating.
Version: 0.5.2
Date: 04. 12. 2020
    - Added option for robot repair.

    - Fixed swarm safety levels not being applied correctly.
Version: 0.5.1
Date: 24. 11. 2020
    - Updated for Factorio 1.1.
Version: 0.4.5
Date: 22. 11. 2020
    - UPS improvement for games with lots of surfaces (400x faster in some cases).
Version: 0.4.4
Date: 24. 07. 2020
    - Added explosion reduction technology for increasing logistic swarm sizes (500 per level).
    - Uses a faster method to drop items to the ground (thanks to Mylon).
Version: 0.4.3
Date: 31. 05. 2020
    - Added chinese translation thanks to Frost.
Version: 0.4.2
Date: 07. 02. 2020
    - Updated for Factorio 0.18.4.
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 27. 01. 2020
    - Updated for Factorio 0.18.
Version: 0.3.8
    - Code optimizations.
Version: 0.3.7
    - Fixed remote interface call.
Version: 0.3.6
    - Attrition can now be altered per-surface by mods, this can multiply or override the mod setting.
    - Surfaces with attrition rates of 0.001 and below do not process attrition at all (saves UPS).
    - Further UPS optimisations.
    - Fixed bots dropping items on belts.
Version: 0.3.5
    - Code optimizations.
Version: 0.3.4
    - Updated description.
    - Minimum attrition multiplier is now 0.001.
Version: 0.3.3
    - Re-worked the code for continuous processing instead of batches on longer interval. (Reduces UPS stutters).
    - Default attrition factor is now 1 instead of 10 to match the new code structure (actual crash rate is slightly lower).
    - Minimum attrition multiplier is now 0.01.
Version: 0.3.2
    - Changed robots creating fire on death to robots doing weak AOE explosion damage (fire did not make sense in space).
Version: 0.3.1
    - Updated for Factorio 0.17.