
Factorio but in reverse. You start with a rocket silo and your goal is to craft the crash site space ship. Decompose science into items, unassemble items into basic materials and unsmelt basic materials into ores.

4 months ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b [solved] Missing craftings?

5 months ago

It's normal that rails, blue belts and red belts don't have any "single spawn" crafting?
It's nearly impossible to create a city-block base or a train based one if you play whithout retaining the original recipes

5 months ago

Hi there,

Single spawn recipes are only available for items which are not used in any other recipe. I found indeed that the blue belt does not have a single spawn recipe while one is to be expected, this was caused by a hidden recipe for loaders. This will be included in the next release.

Red belts are obtained by decomposing blue belts and rails are obtained by decomposing purple science, so that's why there is no spawn recipe for those items.

4 months ago

Fix for blue belts is implemented.

New response