Reusable rocket

by Lyzz

A Seperate rocket silo with 2 reusable rockets that only need fuel and maintence for transport missions. unlocked after progressing on vulcanus

2 days ago
Transportation Logistics

g v2.20 breaks mod

a month ago

I updated to v2.20 just a few minutes ago, and upon opening the game, it threw an error. Sharing screenshot here:

Anyway to fix this?

a month ago

got the same Issue

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

item_sounds is not a global anymore. See:

It can be fixed by adding this line at the beginning of the file data.lua:
local item_sounds = require("__base__.prototypes.item_sounds")

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I temporarily fixed it by updating lines 42, 43, and 44 in data.lua file:

inventory_move_sound = { filename = "base/sound/mechanical-large-inventory-move.ogg", volume = 0.8 },
pick_sound = { filename = "base/sound/mechanical-large-inventory-pickup.ogg", volume = 0.8 },
drop_sound = { filename = "base/sound/mechanical-large-inventory-pickup.ogg", volume = 0.8 },

a month ago

I temporarily fixed it by updating lines 42, 43, and 44 in data.lua file:

inventory_move_sound = { filename = "base/sound/mechanical-large-inventory-move.ogg", volume = 0.8 },
pick_sound = { filename = "base/sound/mechanical-large-inventory-pickup.ogg", volume = 0.8 },
drop_sound = { filename = "base/sound/mechanical-large-inventory-pickup.ogg", volume = 0.8 },

However, godsfather's solution is more apt way to handle this as the devs also recommend importing item_sounds as needed.

New response