Research Causes Evolution Next

Biter evolution factor is set by progress through the research tree.

1 year, 9 months ago

b Include Y science pack startup option has no effect

9 months ago

The only startup which working is first 4 options.

Setting for including/excluding certaint types of science packs do not affect technologies at all.

I was trying to fine tune evolution rate based around purely military science packs to avoid delibirate skipping of QoL tech and minmaxing my playthrough - my disappointment is immesurable and my day is ruined.

9 months ago

Edit: the behavior is really weird. I found out once i deselect any of the science packs, certain technologies no longer increase evolution, but the problem is that it's always the same technologies, completely ignoring what exact science pack i disabled. Enlighten me how this mod works and does it even work correctly/have you ever tried selecting only military packs for example?

New response