Biter evolution factor is set by progress through the research tree.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Version: 0.19.0 Date: 10. 06. 2023 Features: - Startup setting to control getting evolution behind automation science pack - Startup setting to control getting evolution behind logistic science pack - Startup setting to control getting evolution behind military science pack - Startup setting to control getting evolution behind chemical science pack - Startup setting to control getting evolution behind production science pack - Startup setting to control getting evolution behind utility science pack - Startup setting to control getting evolution behind space science pack Bugfixes: - Fixed russian translation
Version: 0.18.0 Date: 03. 06. 2023 Features: - Startup setting to control whether upgrade evolution multiplier - Startup setting to control ignore vanilla evolution Locale: - Add Russian translation
Version: 0.17.2 Date: 25. 03. 2019 Bugfixes: - Support for Rampant and other mods that may disable AI control of the enemy force
Version: 0.17.1 Date: 16. 03. 2019 Changes: - Thumbnail included in the mod
Version: 0.17.0 Date: 16. 03. 2019 Changes: - Upgraded to Factorio 0.17 - Version numbering scheme changed so that it will be appropriate for when Factorio goes 1.0
Version: 0.16.4 Date: 13. 12. 2018 Changes: - Complete rewrite. Removed runtime setting making all tech equal as there is a replacement startup setting. Features: - Technology effects on evolution shown in tech tree. - Startup setting to decide whether evolution effects are weighted to early tech, late tech, or equal. Early tech gives evolution more similar to vanilla where evolution is faster at the beginning of the game and gradually tapers off. - Startup setting to control whether upgrade technologies effect evolution. The default has now changed to include upgrades, giving a smoother evolution change through the tech tree. - Evolution automatically recalculated when technologies or startup settings change. - Disabled technologies are excluded from the evolution calculations, improving compatibility with other mods.
Version: 0.16.3 Date: 12. 12. 2018 Changes: - "Under new management". Mod adopted by H8UL (credit to admo for original mod). Bugfixes: - Critical fixes to evolution calculation