Data Exporter to JSON

Outputs|Exports a JSON file to /script-output/recipe-lister that lists all recipes, crafting machines, mining drills, belts, inserters, resources, items, fluids, and technologies loaded on player creation. Settings for split files and toggles for each category

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Export techs?

5 years ago

Exporting techs as well would be awesome

5 years ago

What properties are of interest in technology prototypes in regards to building a Factorio calculator? or do you want this mod to be a general data exporter mod instead lol

No, I'm not opposed to the idea. Just answer the first question in a day or two. It's not hard to implement.

5 years ago

"name", "localised_name", "research_unit_count", "research_unit_ingredients", "effects", "research_unit_energy", "max_level", "research_unit_count_formula",
are the ones I grabbed. Prerequisites needed to be independently iterated through.

A general data exporter is not too far off from what you have already :) You could create settings for different categories, as well as an option to export the different object categories to different output files (vs your current single file). Just some thoughts if you wanted more features for this.

5 years ago

Seconding multiple files for the different data, that would also be great.

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