Outputs|Exports a JSON file to /script-output/recipe-lister that lists all recipes, crafting machines, mining drills, belts, inserters, resources, items, fluids, and technologies loaded on player creation. Settings for split files and toggles for each category
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 2.8.0 Date: 2021-08-10 Changes: - fixed special numbers not exported properly - fixed crash on opening scenarios - reworks presentation of energy sources - added hidden and hidden_from_player_crafting to recipes - added rocket-silo, projectile, and active_mods to output
Version: 2.7.0 Date: ???? Changes: - added python-based calculator
Version: 2.6.1 Date: 2020-03-12 Changes: - added attack_parameters to equipment - added main_product, emissions_multiplier, enabled to recipes
Version: 2.6.0 Date: 2020.02.27 0610 Changes: - updated to Factorio 0.18
Version: 2.5.0 Date: 2019.11.28 0731 Changes: - added equipment, equipment-grid, tile into export list - added map colors to entities - added place_as_tile_result and place_as_equipment_result to items
Version: 2.4.0 Date: 2019.07.23 0428 Changes: - fixed character|player variable name in code for Factorio 17.35
Version: 2.3.0 Date: 2019.04.23 0415 Changes: - merged Kenira's changes to items https://mods.factorio.com/mod/recipelister/discussion/5cb517a327241f000c077309 - added reactors, boilers, solar panels, generators to output (proper burning generator support pending API update) - added type and place-result to items - added autoplace_specification to resources
Version: 2.1.0 Date: 2019.04.15 0346 Changes: - added allowed-effects to crafting machines and miners - fixed unable to save
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2019.04.09 1226 Changes: - added technology to output - added emissions and a calculated pollution per second value - added per-player settings for enabling output, splitting output into multiple files, and per-category output - changed energy usage to watt instead of joule/tick - fixed belts output not actually exported - fixed inserter energy usage not exported - refactored code to be more general
Version: 1.7.0 Date: 2019.03.28 0446 Changes: - updated to .17.19 - added belts and inserters to output
Version: 1.6.0 Date: 2018.12.20 0114 Changes: - added module stats (tier, category, limitations, module_effects) of module items - added module_inventory_size of crafting machines - added small comments for readability - reorganized table declarations
Version: 1.5.0 Date: 2018.12.10 0904 Changes: - changed localised_name output to out entire array instead of only the first entry
Version: 1.4.0 Date: 2018.11.05 0836 Changes: - added items to output
Version: 1.3.0 Date: 2018.11.05 0331 Changes: - added assemblers, miners, and resources to output - changed output filename from script-output/recipes.json to script-output/recipe-lister/crafting_data.json
Version: 1.2.0 Date: 2018.11.01 0923 Changes: - reformatted output to JSON for outside use convenience
Version: 1.1.1 Date: 2018.10.30 0445 Changes: - added changelog
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2018.10.30 0432 Changes: - added "localised_name","category","order","group","subgroup","energy" to recipe output
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2018.10.29 Changes: - initial upload - outputs "name", "ingredients", "output" of every recipe in-game to script-output/recipes.txt